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Creation Kit wont edit Base Guns?


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I'm trying to change the value of the gun damage. But... It wont change the damage.

I've done everything correctly, so... I'm wondering is there a trick to how you edit the base guns without being forced to create a "duplicate gun" I want to edit the pipe gun damage... Because after like, level 15. Raiders are not a threat anymore, yet their the most common enemy in the game. Basically I doubled the damage of the pipe weapons so they have at a better chance at fighting me. When I save the .esp and activate it. I load the game, and nothing has changed. Thats the main issue I have with the game is that the Enemies have really poor damage output. You can stand in a crowd of 10 raiders shooting at you and it dont do crap for damage because half of them are using level 5 pea shooters. My goal was to give them better weapons so that it would be a mistake to underestimate them.

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There's a board for SDK at the bottom of that page I linked above, the one just above the VR board. Though, that's only if you want to learn how to use the Creation Geck in this case, the CK/CS/GECK SDK (software development kit) to do that requires many tools & lots of experience as a game development student. It could be you maybe just want to fix the issue?



In that case you get the mod that balances Pipe weapons in the game to the Pre-War weapons & the mod that balances Institute weapons to Laser weapons. Then Raider Overhaul, Super Mutant Overhaul, ... in fact overhaul all the major factions. Then replace the Ai for the actors. Add in a mod for clothing & armor & the ability to add Damage Threshold to PA for example, because now it's way dangerous. Mod to control survival & balance damage on the fly. Though, I would suggest to plan out what it is that you really want, and then build that specifically using the mods that are already made. Then you can learn how to balance the game by taking into account the large amount of work & testing that we already have completed on the game.

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for what i know, changing the base damage 13 to 25 will work, if not you can try to add extra damage true damage type, lets say fire you can change the amount you wana add to


or maybe its depending on script, like some other stuff, meaning it will only work true a complete new game


btw changing the base will result in high powered raiders when you are low lv, they prolly kill you in 1 shot then :laugh:

Edited by speedynl
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  On 4/26/2018 at 5:01 PM, JustnAzdog said:

You can't change the fallout ESM, you have to have a ESP or ESL with the weapon to edit. Then edit Weapon, Damage base.

duh, when you edit(load) the esm, and save after changes, CK ask for any name and save as esp

then when you wana change other things you load the esp

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I don't think anyone meant to be rude. Sorry. Just smile, be kind, and carry on. Doesn't matter anyway, why would you make these edits to a million dollar game when you have no experience as a developer. You can sure, but you'll just break it. Go get the mods already made that do this, then base you damage balance on those other mods which have been made over the last 29 months & the same period of time in testing. Only reason I would manually learn how to do that myself is if I were planing to make new weapons. The rest of the game centers mostly on the global damage balance settings, which is adjustable in every game difficulty, you know among many other advantages to using a group of mods to set a specific difficultly. Sorry if it didn't help.

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Strangely enough. It started working after I rebooted my PC. I'm well aware of how to make mods. I've made several of them. But I've never attempted to directly edit stats of a raw in-game object. 3D work isnt just my hobby. It's my profession. But.. When it failed to work... I thought I had stumbled across something I never knew.


On that note I just want to say, If we can lay off the passive aggressive jabs at each other when people are having an issue... We would be able to problem solve a lot better.

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