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Consistent World Mod


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Name might be wrong, but can't really think of what else to call it.


Basically this mod would be for everybody who suffers from Alt-Itis.


Mod would save world changes made by your character (quests, main quest decisions, etc) and would "export" those changes along with your character into a "new game" (like Alternate Start or Skyrim Unbound) so you would be able to play a different character while being able to "interact" with your other main character(s) (recruit him/her, marry him/her).


I suppose in this way it would allow "100%" completion for a game, but instead of with one uber character it would be done with several characters that would alternate at the discretion of the player.


Main question would be -- is this possible without borking the game?


Whatcu think?

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i like the idea :


with one character you can play as a dragonborn and do the main quest.


with a second character you can play as a non-dragonborn and role play as a character that arrived in skyrim after the main events.


zombie1boy the idea is good but i am not a modder, sorry.

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