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Error "an exception occurred in the script"


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so long story short ive been screwing with fallout 4 for about a week or two trying to get it to run properly with mods. and it seems whenever i manage to fix something, something else breaks.

i uninstalled both fallout 4 and nexus mod manager from my control panel, deleted any files in fallout 4 or nmm to start from scratch and make sure nothing was left over, re-installed both, opened a fresh unmodded game, and started to re-download all my mods.

everything was going alright so far but then while downloading one mod that worked perfectly fine before but now for some reason doesnt being the configurable fusion core drain mod (yes im a filthy casual who likes to not have to worry about leaving my armor wherever when it drains out, sue me.) a message popped up saying an exception occured in the script with a bunch of other text in the details section that i didnt understand a single bit of (im also bad at computer stuff, i just play the games)

is there any way to fix this? and if so, how? id greatly appreciate the help with solving this seeing how at this point im ready to just delete everything related to Bethesda and nexus mod manager and say to hell with it cause i cant get anything to work correctly


if it helps, the error message is in the attached file picture

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So this happens when you download the file and not when you install it?


Did you try a manual download and adding the file to NMM manually?


If that doesn't work either, a manual download and manual installation (just extract all ESP files and possible folders/ba2 archives into your Data\ folder) should work.

Edited by payl0ad
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Have you updated to a NMM version higher than 0.65.0? Check GitHUB for the latest releases. Older releases (prior to v0.65) will also no longer be able to log-on to The Nexus as of today or tomorrow because of the mandatory switch from HTTP to HTTPS.

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