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NPC's not interacting


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This is just a minor nuisance. Branwen and Saliith in the Arena District will tell me "No time to talk - only train." Then they just stand there and gawk at each other. I read a post one time or another that would fix this, but for the life of me, can't remember where. As I said it's not detrimental to the game but it was kind of cool hearing them smacking each other when I'm passing through. Anyone know how to un-stick NPC's? Thanks for any input as it is Always Appreciated!!! Edited by Anoxeron
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The UESP Wiki on the two of them offers no help. I know in my own game they have issues. In my old guy's saves Saliith just sits on his bench all day ever since I received the free skill perk by watching Branwen and him spar. Branwen still gets up and spars alone.


Outside of the dialogue you're getting I don't think they have anything else to say. The other thing I've noticed (and this also holds true for CM Partners practicing and the Cloud Ruler sparring pair)) is that if you stand anywhere in front of them, even quite a distance away they'll stop sparring and just stand there, ready to resume.

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Any other problems with NPC's not moving?


I had this the other day, on an almost unmodded game. I was standing in the IC and some NPC's would just freeze in mid step when they got more than so many feet away from me. If I got closer, they'd move a few steps more, only to freeze again. Patrolling guards were strangely unaffected, just the wandering NPC's and not all of them. I searched for some solutions, one was to slide the NPC draw distance to the left. I consider that a last resort because I like to shoot stuff from really far off with my bow. Another was to increase the AI max active actors in the bashed patch. I tried that and it didn't help.


The strange thing is, it should have plenty of resources for the AI because my FPS was capped at 30 by OSR, would have been higher even otherwise.

So I started looking through the debug screens. On SDT 30 (shows AI paths being calculated) I noticed something strange. A horse which was in a dummycell at the time was shown every few frames calculating a new path. It had a stuck follow package (must complete) but could never get to its target. I went into the mod and fixed the problem, haven't seen anyone get stuck again like that yet.


So, if it looks like AI overload, open the console, type tdt and then sdt 30. See if anyone is stuck and (probably) hogging a lot of AI resources.

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Something Wicked this Way Comes - Love It. The movie is nothing like the Book!!! But in actuality I've not had any problems (to my knowledge) with any other NPC's. I didn't even know that You could receive a perk by watching them spar. I'm kinda spoiled because I've maxed the graphics on this old Dell Dimension and after Tweaking (Tweak Guides and Colourwheel) it runs pretty seamlessly. I'll have check out fps through Oblivion console because all of my benchmarking software is MadOnion. You can't overclock a Dell and I've NEVER been able to use the Catalyst Control Center for this Radeon. Yet I know for a fact that Someone, Somewhere, said it was possible and gave information on how to reset npc interaction. ??? :unsure: And it's sad that it was irrelevant at the time because I quit playing Elder Scrolls IV because of the A-bomb (I was not online). I ran across that information in my quest to resume. Got to say and say again "THANK YOU AGAIN - Striker and EVERYONE!!! This game Kicks A**!!! :biggrin: Edited by Anoxeron
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Any other problems with NPC's not moving?


I had this the other day, on an almost unmodded game. I was standing in the IC and some NPC's would just freeze in mid step when they got more than so many feet away from me. If I got closer, they'd move a few steps more, only to freeze again. Patrolling guards were strangely unaffected, just the wandering NPC's and not all of them. I searched for some solutions, one was to slide the NPC draw distance to the left. I consider that a last resort because I like to shoot stuff from really far off with my bow. Another was to increase the AI max active actors in the bashed patch. I tried that and it didn't help.


The strange thing is, it should have plenty of resources for the AI because my FPS was capped at 30 by OSR, would have been higher even otherwise.

So I started looking through the debug screens. On SDT 30 (shows AI paths being calculated) I noticed something strange. A horse which was in a dummycell at the time was shown every few frames calculating a new path. It had a stuck follow package (must complete) but could never get to its target. I went into the mod and fixed the problem, haven't seen anyone get stuck again like that yet.


So, if it looks like AI overload, open the console, type tdt and then sdt 30. See if anyone is stuck and (probably) hogging a lot of AI resources.

FPS 44 (Type 0) Queued10, Task Count 0, Queued Reference Count 0, total BStask Count 60, as I was attempting to converse with Saliith. I spoke to a guard - FPS 14 (same) BStask Count 77. I have a bounty and am at a poor disposition with that particular guard!? I'm sorry but it is Braille to me. Please explain.

Edited by Anoxeron
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FPS 44 (Type 0) Queued10, Task Count 0, Queued Reference Count 0, total BStask Count 60, as I was attempting to converse with Saliith. I spoke to a guard - FPS 14 (same) BStask Count 77. I have a bounty and am at a poor disposition with that particular guard!? I'm sorry but it is Braille to me. Please explain.


Looks like you forgot to type sdt 30 ;)

Apparently the guard didn't like you at all, since he chopped your fps down by 30 frames... I'm really not sure what the BStask Count is, or if it is related, all I know is that on my computer it jumps WAY up whenever I enter a new cell, then rapidly goes down to smaller numbers. Sorry that I can't offer much help.. All I can think of is clicking on Saliith in the console and typing evp ("evaluate package", I think), then repeating for Branwen.


Anyway, I originally came here because I have a somewhat similar problem, though much more widespread: whenever a creature or npc enters combat, they become stuck in place. They do attack me if they have a bow or spells, or if I step within range of their melee attacks, but otherwise they just stand there and look angry. Also, they seem to ignore line-of-sight(they attack through walls).

This happens to all actors in combat with the pc or with a companion (I had Vilja in tow when I first noticed the bug), but not to those who are NOT in combat (they walk around and talk to each other normally).

Finally, I did find a dead zombie and a dead mudcrab, so it might be that this "bug" only happens when the pc is in combat, but I'm not sure, as they might have already been dead.

I'm completely stumped as to what is causing this... I've tried lowering the AI max actors and max combat actors in the bashed patch - from 60/30 to 20/10 respectively - to no avail. After reading evenstar's post I tried checking with sdt 30, but it returned 0 paths being calculated, outside a fort in blackwood with 5 or 6 enemies around me. I even tried resetting the abomb counter and deactivating Unnecessary Violence II - no results.

I have a huge lot of mods installed, so I better not flood the page with them, but I hadn't changed anything when the bug started. So, BIG thanks and kudos to anyone who has any advice, because I'm out of ideas :(

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FPS 44 (Type 0) Queued10, Task Count 0, Queued Reference Count 0, total BStask Count 60, as I was attempting to converse with Saliith. I spoke to a guard - FPS 14 (same) BStask Count 77. I have a bounty and am at a poor disposition with that particular guard!? I'm sorry but it is Braille to me. Please explain.


Looks like you forgot to type sdt 30 ;)

Apparently the guard didn't like you at all, since he chopped your fps down by 30 frames... I'm really not sure what the BStask Count is, or if it is related, all I know is that on my computer it jumps WAY up whenever I enter a new cell, then rapidly goes down to smaller numbers. Sorry that I can't offer much help.. All I can think of is clicking on Saliith in the console and typing evp ("evaluate package", I think), then repeating for Branwen.


Anyway, I originally came here because I have a somewhat similar problem, though much more widespread: whenever a creature or npc enters combat, they become stuck in place. They do attack me if they have a bow or spells, or if I step within range of their melee attacks, but otherwise they just stand there and look angry. Also, they seem to ignore line-of-sight(they attack through walls).

This happens to all actors in combat with the pc or with a companion (I had Vilja in tow when I first noticed the bug), but not to those who are NOT in combat (they walk around and talk to each other normally).

Finally, I did find a dead zombie and a dead mudcrab, so it might be that this "bug" only happens when the pc is in combat, but I'm not sure, as they might have already been dead.

I'm completely stumped as to what is causing this... I've tried lowering the AI max actors and max combat actors in the bashed patch - from 60/30 to 20/10 respectively - to no avail. After reading evenstar's post I tried checking with sdt 30, but it returned 0 paths being calculated, outside a fort in blackwood with 5 or 6 enemies around me. I even tried resetting the abomb counter and deactivating Unnecessary Violence II - no results.

I have a huge lot of mods installed, so I better not flood the page with them, but I hadn't changed anything when the bug started. So, BIG thanks and kudos to anyone who has any advice, because I'm out of ideas :(

That is a Major Bummer :sad: But now that I think about it dogs no longer attack me unless on some rare occasion I go into combat very close to them. I'm using UV II also and it hasn't affected anything but my ability to use a magic weapon in stealth mode- it does more damage to me than it does the opponent. I haven't tried it sdt 30 yet but hopefully (Especially for Your Sake) someone will figure out a way to resolve this.
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I just checked a bunch of npcs, but no, they're not restrained.

I also tried picking fights in anvil, the IC, and some interiors, but the same thing happens everywhere. :confused:


Edit: also tried TCAI (toggle combat ai), which I didn't know about, and no luck.

I found a few old topics that indicate Reneer's Guard Overhaul as the likely culprit, but they date back to very old versions of the mod. I did already try deactivating it, but I'll try again tomorrow, and maybe play a little to see if the bug disappears. For now, I'm going to sleep!

Edited by Lethys90
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I was wondering if there is a place that I can get a detailed list of console commands that gives a detailed definition and explanation as to what they do. Everything I've found on the subject is pretty basic and rather vague. I guess I'm not looking in the right places. Strike that - now that I have them all I feel like a TOTAL IDIOT. Never occurred to me to look in the MOST OBVIOUS PLACE. Oh Well. :wallbash: It is one thing to identify a problem but an entirely different one solving it and preventing it from happening. Unnecessary Violence may be the culprit because once I maxed Marksmanship I pretty much quit using my bow. Wrath of Pyromaniac (My Bow) kills in one shot. So what would be the point? So because Lethys90 is a bow hunter I started utilizing my bow for a while and much to my dismay started noticing a difference in NPC interaction. I'm not much into slaying creatures unless they attack me first. On a quirk I decided that my latest character was to be a Soul Reaver so she doesn't waste time on creatures and pits herself against 'The Most Dangerous Game'. Because of this I usually draw a creature to a guard or other individual and let them take care of it (with help if they need it). So after using my bow (as I said not on creatures) for a bit I started noticing that passing guards would no longer jump off their horse and come to the rescue. Now this is the messed up part. I had Alameriel dance and juggle in Imperial city. The only way I could get her to stop after I FINALLY was able to disengage dance was - to draw my bow. And low and behold EVERY time I came across someone They started to dance. And then my character would join them. It's funny at first but everyone (the ENTIRE POPULOUS gathered in the Market District including guards) is dancing with my character. Then certain NPC's start getting pissed off. The first time I tried this was in Anvil. When NPC's got really pissed a fight would ensue and when they could'nt see Alameriel they would start killing each other. So I (she) leaves. I think I went Cheydinhal next (Fighter's Guild was to be my last line of quests before she took on Oblivion) where there was again unistigated Dancing In The Steets. Thankfully, seven or so saves back this strange behavior is at an END. DON'T DANCE UNLESS YOU WANT TO PIE THE POPULOUS. I'm still using this mod but it definately instigates STRANGE BEHAVIOR!!! Anyone Else? Edited by Anoxeron
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