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Student voice actor looking for free jobs


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Hi there, I'm a music theatre student, studying to be come a voice actor for video games, I'm also looking for some jobs to add to a demo tape and for some practise.

I'm looking for a few jobs for whatever mods or jobs are around on here, I'm happy to hand out my skype username so have a talk with anyone looking for some free voices to add to their followers or any mods.

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Hey there,


While I don't have a mod I could hire you for, I might have some hints for you, if you haven't already did those things :)


First, here's a TES-oriented VA project: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/forum/28-the-archive/


Second, you might want to browse through official Bethesda mod forums as well.


Third, somewhere around here on Nexus I know you can find 2 topics that might interest you. First is called Modding Resource and the other one is Skyrim Audiobooks or something alike. Last I saw that one, they were still on the look out for more voices.


Take care and have fun lurking and joining projects around here.

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I am looking for voice actors if you can provide me a sample of your voice type . .. I am especially looking for some Old man type of voicover ...


Look for the Issgard thread ...

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Hey guys, thanks for the replies. but the thing is, the reason why I'm coming here trying to find some easy free jobs is to make a demo tape, I don't have one yet but I'm going to use bits from jobs like these to make one up
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Right... but you can still make a youtube video of your trying different sounding voices so we can figure out where to cast you into parts.


As does everyone else here. But I'm going to go ahead an subtract my offer. I want someone who is dedicated to do something as opposed to doing something "easy." Nothing wrong with taking the easy road, but if the demand gets a little hard I don't want someone bailing on me.

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When I was asked to provide a demo reel for the first time, I didn't have it and it was pretty early in my VA "career". I was cast in maybe two projects (just waiting on results for the rest, and that was different than here because it was on VA forums where they had weeks or months long deadlines before announcing anything). I didn't feel like sticking my audition lines into the reel, so I simply recorded new lines, added various music to the background and mixed it together to level the volume etc. It was custom made with maybe 1 or 2 lines I had premade for projects.


Doable, acceptable and you will most likely need to do it if you want to get parts in projects around here. They need to see your voice, skills, microphone quality etc.

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