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Water not rendering?

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Hello community! I've spent the last days modding my Oblivion, first following bevilex graphical tutorial and then adding gameplay mods. When I was finally ready to play I noticed that the water does not render when I get close. It just goes invisible, I can see the water from a distance as well as the glitchy "middlewater" that goes matrix green.



I've included a picture as well as my modlist in the imgur album.


Would be very much appriciated if anyone could help!




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I'm getting exactly the same when I'm using the Water Shaders from Oblivion Reloaded, but I'm in a Virtual Machine and my graphics card unsurprisingly cannot be detected by OR, thus it's not able to obtain a depth buffer, and as such almost none of its visual effects can work.


You could try turning off the OR water shaders as well inside the "/data/obse/plugins/oblivion reloaded.ini", or what it's named. It's documented inside the OR readmes aplenty.

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Check in Oblivion.ini and confirm you have bUseWaterHiRes=1 not bUseWaterHiRes=0 (from a post in the Bevi mod comments from back on Apr 16 2018 by Obl1vion97 ... symptoms of the problem are a bit different though).

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