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Preparing Game Settings...


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I was able to use Vortex pretty well with Fallout 4 and Fallout 4 VR, minor hiccups but all easily corrected.

I decided to try it with Skyrim SE and Skyrim VR, but whenever I try and Activate either game to begin managing them I get stuck on "preparing game settings". For shiggles, I let it run for a few hours. It never gets there, and despite reinstalling Vortex and reinstalling both Skyrims, I cannot resolve the issue. Couldn't find the issue elsewhere. Any advice?

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What version of Vortex are you using? What's with the screenshot on the left (Choose profile)?

Could you attach your vortex.log file (C:\Users\<account name>\AppData\Roaming\vortex\) from shortly after provoking the problem?

The "preparing game settings" step should only take milliseconds for those games so you don't have to wait, if it doesn't continue immediately something went wrong.


That step is used to prepare the ini files for the game (skyrim.ini, skyrimprefs.ini). The problem is probably somehow related to a problem writing those files and instead of reporting the error vortex hangs.

Have you run Skyrim SE and VR before? If the game has never been strated before those files will be missing, that could play a part.

Or are the files write protected? or stored in some special folder like OneDrive? Or opened in another application?

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Sorry for the delay and thank you for your time.


Version 0.14.3. The left screenshot is after pressing Activate on SkyrimSE or SkyrimVR. F4 and F4VR do not prompt it and activate immediately.

Attached to the original post, had to zip due to permissions.
I've run both games for a fair bit, even tried deleting the .ini files and rerunning the games to recreate them. It persists past reinstalling Vortex with a clean Vortex AppData\Roaming\ folder

All permissions for the folders are fine and identical to the Fallout 4 ones, though all four are within OneDrive\Documents\My Games\GAME_NAME

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... or stored in some special folder like OneDrive?



All permissions for the folders are fine and identical to the Fallout 4 ones, though all four are within OneDrive\Documents\My Games\GAME_NAME


Think I see the problem :cool: Post #12 on the Known Issues thread.

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Indeed, this is unfortunately caused by the OneDrive incompatibility, you can fix it by disabling the "Files on Demand" feature in OneDrive.


About the first screenshot about choosing the profile: this should only happen if you had a profile enabled for the game and that profile no longer exists when switching back to the game. After (successfully) activating the default profile this dialog shouldn't re-appear.

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