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Vortex being picked up as Adware


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I noticed that when I first installed Vortex AdwCleaner picked up its registry key as "PUP.Adware.Heuristic."


And I notice that with the recent update it again causes AdwCleaner to pick it up again for the same reason.

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AV software produce false positives.


The term "heuristic" means it was a "fuzzy" match. So it doesn't mean it actually recognized malware but rather something that looks like it could maybe be similar to something that was thought to be malware.


Remember: Companies producing AV software live off the fear that there could be a thread. If they didn't jump out at you from time to time to scare you, you might end up wondering what you need them for...


This is not to say AV is useless or should be mistrusted in general but if it says its "heuristic" picked up something then you should double check.


All vortex releases have been scanned through several virus scanners, they are all clean. The latest ones:






I encourage every user to complain to their AV vendor for every false positive. And don't fill out some form, they will just batch them together. No, write a formless email. Or even better: Call them and have them explain the case. Maybe they work harder to prevent them when each one causes them cost instead of everyone else.

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I personally do not trust ( and do not use ) any anti-virus, except the one is coming with Windows 10 ( Windows defender ) .... all those companies send you, give you a virus that they know how to remove just to make you believe you have been infested and taken care of by their softwares .... pure bulls*** .... and I've never had any virus that got into my computer since I have it ( longer than 2 years ), but I only use it for gaming ...... just my 2 cents ...

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