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NPCs No Mic


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Hi, very fast


I have no Mic nor do I have any desire to do any voice acting, So how do I get the words to stay on the screen in game?


They just flash on and to the next selection of diologe options.


I have tried to just press record but nothing happens. The Creation Kit Tuts say you don't need a mic to record silance.

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You need a mic to record anything. I mean...you need something in the mic jack. I don't know if it must be a mic or anything else.


Try putting hearphones in the mic jack and record. If it works, you'll find a new WAV file in Data/Sound/youresp/yourvoicetype

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The "Save" button will also generate a new wav and lip from a wav that is named "Temp.wav" and placed in data/sound/voices. It will place a copy of the new correctly named files in the data/sound/voices/your_mod_name.esp/you_voice_type
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Easier than that.

Make a blank WAV File (A Wav File with no sound output that lasts for however long you want), name it something obvious.


Place it in the Data\Sound\FX directory.


Create an entry in the "Sound Descriptor" category, under "Audio" in the Object Window


Under where it says "Sound", right click -> New.


Browse to, and select, your file.


Enter whatever else you want.


Click OK.


Go to your Quest, and find your piece of dialogue.


Double click it.


Where it says "Sound File", click the button next to it that says "Select Sound".


Select your newly created SNDR.


And your done.


Edit: Mis-read the posts, but eh. My method saves space and time. Uploaded a..."Pack of silence" you can readily use here : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=16254

Edited by GomuGomu64
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Thanks guys, feel a bit stupid now haha, should of thought of putting headphones in the jack.


Works now

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