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Hogs Gone Wild Mod WIP


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Dude, you are not you only one to suffer from this issue, 'SkyTest - Realistic Animals and Predators' adds some new pigs and piglets to the farms in game. I also noticed that they, from a distance, have no walking or running animations. It was quite jarring. I hadn't noticed it before. I think those pigs also use the cow boneset. You might want to check and see if the cows also have this issue.


Oh ok I hadn't tried SkyTest yet, thanks for that info. Also I didn't realize they added pigs and pigglets to the farms, good to know as I was gonna model domestic pigs. But I will hold off on that now seeing as they have been done! Hmmm I am not exactly sure why cow boneset would be set up in this fashion (ie no anims for far LODs)... I am gonna fish around in NifSkope and see if there are any parameters that COULD be related to this issue... I know Monster Mod works at far distance anim wise... but as you said, this could be cow boneset specific and 95% of the monsters display anims at distance. There is however this one brown quadraped thing (I forget what it called). It looks kinda dinosaurish and is tan, and it's anims DON'T work at distance (maybe it's using the cow boneset... I will have to check on that).

Cheers man.


Looks good will it be possible to have multiple textures for the Hogs ala Automatic Variants? never liked seeing the same creature come at me again and again. Herds sounds good, 1 Hog easy meat, 6 hogs CRIPESWHICHWAYDOILOOK.


For sure man. Perhaps not right off the bat in the initial public beta release, but I will include them in the first public beta update. Variation is always nice isn't it?


As far as herds are concerned, the adult males are somewhat solitary. They roam alone, and will let other creatures get within 20 meters or so before they get pissed off. For the public beta they will also be set up to not get rediculously aggressive and take on stuff like mammoth, giants, big cats, bears or dragons. As far as moving groups are concerned, female adult's will sometimes be found in herds together with one sow acting as the "parent" with several "children" sows following her. Each "child" sow will be "parent" to a couple piglets each, or none at all. Planned behaviours for the sows would be like, self-protection, piglet protection, flee on other sow being attacked. Poor piglets will simply be mobile pieces of meat with no defences... Maybe they will be brave enough to take on a butterfly or something though.


I have found with the internal testing that sometimes adult males will yield a pelt, couple chunks of meat, other times you will get like 6 pieces of meat and no pelt (maybe you hacked it up too much?) Adult males are actually quite hardy beasts at this point. Sometimes with a couple criticals or a good sneaky shot with the bow they go down quick, but I would not wanna have to fight even 2 at low level! Im sure I will get complaints about balancing issues but I guess thats why it's a called a public beta :biggrin: And I am more than happy to tweak to public popular opinion.


Thanks for taking an interest in the project!


This is great! I mod requested this a while back and is extremely happy to see somebody is working on such a mod. Cheers!


You gotta love that when it happens :biggrin: Cheers right back at you.


Mmm.. Cow animations not working properly from distance? Sounds weird.


I'll try to inspect it a bit in CK.


Hey big thanks Shadowjin.

Edited by Wilson_B
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Hey Shadowjin, you didn't have any luck by chance investigating the cow anims did you? This one has me stumped!


One other issue which is preventing the beta release is an issue with the boar aggro sound. I didn't use anything sound, armour, skin, actor, quest, quest dialogue, combat style, voicetype, package etc related to the cow, and yet when the boar spots player or another actor and goes to warn them to stay away, the boar moos like a cow... The only things I am using related to the cow is the boneset and hkx behviour... None of the boar sound descriptors are cow moos, none of the packages/quest dialogue I made call up crCowVoice at any point... this is frusterating as hell... I ... just ... wanna ... release ... this ... :biggrin:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for delays people. Well I got in touch with Dogtown1 and in regards to the issue with hog animations at distance not being displayed, it is a well recognized bug Bethesda is aware of that occurs when you add new creatures to the level lists without starting a fresh save. So that should clear that bug up, there is the wierd aggro cow moo bug still occuring but for now I am just gonna make the males not give aggro warnings and just attack when they are alerted. Stand by, will get beta out in next day or so... Placeholders for boar meat, cooked boar meat, and the hide, but this is just temporary.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...



found this while looking for Boars and such Stuff for Skyrim, the Dragonborn DLC Pigs just don't look more like wartpigs and they live in the cold nordic region of africa.






I would ask if it would be allowed to use parts of the Hog Model for something like a "Hood". As they wear Bear Head Hoods and so.

Edited by KaiHatia
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

awesome mod, I hope you keep working on it.

I have been waiting for someone to introduce boars to skyrim, and you are doing it better than I could imagine.

Really great work and I hope see your mod realesed soon.

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