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F4SE only functions with mods disabled


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I have an issue with F4SE: it functions sporadically. Actually, I would say that it functions only 5% of the time. When it does function it only does so for maybe an hour or so.


After a conversation with someone who thought I was talking about a mod, "Fallout 4 Settlement Expansion," and talking about my load order, I got to thinking that my mods might have some affect on whether or not F4SE would work.

As it turns out, I was correct: disabling all of my mods allowed F4SE to function, which I confirmed by the console command "getf4seversion."


How I know it would stop working is Place Everywhere would stop functioning.


I really have no idea what is going on, or why I have such poor luck with this particular script extender, as FOSE, NVSE, and SKSE ran just fine for me.


I'm thinking that maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm running nearly four times as many mods as I ever have before, and it's taxing on my PC.

I'm not playing on a potato, though, running a RX 580, a 3.4 GHz four-core CPU, and 16 gigs of RAM.

Edited by Jambo11
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Just make sure that every single mod that depends on F4SE is the correct version for that particular version of F4SE.


I'm running on a similar rig, only with an MSI RX470 GamingX 8GB. I have, for the moment, 690 active mods with 301 plug-ins (249 esm/esp; 52 esl). Around twenty of those depend on F4SE and they all work as intended.

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I do have the most current version of F4SE mod that I'm using, as well as the most current version of F4SE, but why would the version of the mod have any affect on whether or not F4SE is


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