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Lining up NPC for groupphoto


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NEVER EVER use placeatme on npc's if you don't want your game saves corrupted with no way to fix it.


EDIT: Use moveto instead.



I made a simple mod with 10 npcs just to make some group photos. Thats all.... Im not going to play with it. I tried to place them in line into the world with CK. They dont line up. I have tried the MoveTo command witht the same result etc.

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Sorry there's been a lot of uninformed people telling others to use placeatme in their games for finding followers, which causes a lot of save corruption. You could get a npc in place then toggle AI to make them stay put (if that's not a global command).
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Sorry there's been a lot of uninformed people telling others to use placeatme in their games for finding followers, which causes a lot of save corruption. You could get a npc in place then toggle AI to make them stay put (if that's not a global command).


Sorry for my attitude. Its just hard to find answers here in the forums. I figured it out. Create a bunch of NPCs then create an empty cell and stash them there. Note their refobjektId.

Start Game. Open Console. TYPE prid [refobjektID] ENTER . TYPE moveto player, 400, 40. Repeat with a new refobjektId but change 40 to 80 etc etc. That way they get in line :)

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  • 8 years later...

OK, so I'm resurrecting this :)
You can use CS Tag & Track to summon your actors (make a priority group or one-by-one. Talk to them to get them standing streight (if you want that), during conversation select them and write "tai" in the console.

With Jaxonz Positioner you can put them anywhere you want. No problems with the skelleton or so.


I just made a group pic of all NPCs in Levelers tower, for the trainers mod.

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