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Player homes mods


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The Player Homes I have searched through range from good to excellent; however, I think my requirements must be very singular because I cannot find one that suits me :(

Are there other players like me with the same wish list for a Player Home? I just want crafting, storage and a few bits of furniture for immersion. I don’t want any display items.


My wish list:

Well lit throughout.

Maximum 3 floors.

Main Hall with dining table, a few chairs and stuff, oven, cupboard/barrels food storage.

Alchemy/Enchanting area including Staff Enchanter and chest/lockbox/cupboard storage.

Master bedroom for me & spouse.

Forge/Crafting area with lots of chest storage.


1-2 Guards.

Rooms (tucked out the way as I’ll rarely go in them, with beds for 4-6 Children, 2-4 Followers, 1-2 Guards.

Large outdoor garden not pre-planted.

No sacks, absolutely none.

All shrines.

All Standing Stones.

No bath/pool/sauna.

So, anyone know of a Player Home mod like this?

I live in hope lol


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The Player Homes I have searched through range from good to excellent; however, I think my requirements must be very singular because I cannot find one that suits me :sad:

Are there other players like me with the same wish list for a Player Home? I just want crafting, storage and a few bits of furniture for immersion. I don’t want any display items.


My wish list:

Well lit throughout.

Maximum 3 floors.

Main Hall with dining table, a few chairs and stuff, oven, cupboard/barrels food storage.

Alchemy/Enchanting area including Staff Enchanter and chest/lockbox/cupboard storage.

Master bedroom for me & spouse.

Forge/Crafting area with lots of chest storage.


1-2 Guards.

Rooms (tucked out the way as I’ll rarely go in them, with beds for 4-6 Children, 2-4 Followers, 1-2 Guards.

Large outdoor garden not pre-planted.

No sacks, absolutely none.

All shrines.

All Standing Stones.

No bath/pool/sauna.

So, anyone know of a Player Home mod like this?

I live in hope lol




There are more than 700 mods related to Castle/Homes + all the houses provided by the game + all the places that once you complete some quests, you will get a room as it was your own home. Except for a very few of them ( no more than 5 mods ), all of them have everything that you need ... except that a great majority of them have pool and sauna and this is something that you do not want to have.


My taste is to have a home / castle with only one bed in the master bedroom because this room is intended for my wife and myself, not to be shared with my kids and/or somebody else, whose should have their own bedroom and another one for my followers so having a master bedroom with more than one big bed is totally odd for me and negate completely the purpose of privacy and respect for my kids. Any mod having more than one bed in the master bedroom is discarded from my list. Also, a mod with only one bed in the master bedroom MUST trigger for me, the option to sleep with anybody I want.


I do not remember is there is a home without a pool / sauna, except houses from vanilla or the two mods that enhance Breezehome. I do not think any of those is coming with pool / sauna but I do not remember they also will give a room for children and another room for your followers.


I would suggest to look the entire list. I use Skyfall, but this one, is coming with a pool in the basement but you have everything else that you are asking for. It is located in Whiterun, in the center of the map which it is a plus and I like everything about it.

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