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Need Help!!


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Here's the story. I just got back from college and i turned on my computer today and over the course of the past few months my father had played Skyrim on my computer. I had taught him about mods and the nexus mod manager and told him not to delete my save files but that was it. During his time on the game he decided to delete all the mods in the nexus mod manager and use his own mods.


This of course messed with my save files massively that were relying on a lot of texture mods among other things. After updating Skyrim and going and looking at my mods i realized that I had no mods anymore. I tried to remember the mods that I had by heart but some are either not updated, plain out missing or I just cannot remember which ones I used.


Now every time I try and load my save flies I get the message "This save file relies on some things not available anymore. Would you still like to load the file?" or something similar. No matter what I do every single time I load my flie, mods or no mods, I get weird texture glitches among other issues.


Here's a link with what the texture glitches look like.



I have no idea what to do. I am not an expert modder by any means and just shooting in the dark trying to find a solution.


Thanks for any help you can give.

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Oh that is a truly sad story. :ermm: The bright side, I guess, I you know what to get your dad for fathers day.



If I were you, I would reload skyrim entirely and start from scratch. When you delete, make sure to do this through Steam and also to delete local content. You could spend all summer trying to figure out what your dad did to it!


Good luck!

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Wrye Bash may tell what mods your saves are dependent on, at least the esp. ones and the retexture ones will not matter to a save (I know Wrye Bash would do this for Oblivion, and should for Skyrim as well).

In Wrye Bash go to the saves tab and it will have a list of mods that the save selected is dependent on.

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Totally off topic, but I just thought you might find it amusing given what you'd probably like to do to your dad...


My only shared video gaming experience with my dad was so long ago it involved Double Dragon and an Atari... I told him we were supposed to be playing together, co-operating, kicking bad guy ass, and we were supposed to be, but the second a baseball bat was up for grabs I just couldn't restrain my childish self from repeatedly beating him to death. He's literally refused to even consider playing any video games with me ever since.


Good luck with Wrye Bash, hope it works.

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With the help of Wyre Bash I've managed to figure out what mods were on for my save. I was able to find all of them except Realistic Water Textures which the author has made hidden for some reason. After installing the other mods I was still getting the texture glitch and the error message saying that I was missing something.


Is there any way to find a copy of this mod somewhere? I want to at least try and download the mod and see if that is where the issue is coming from.


Funny story. My dad only recently got into gaming after years of persisting that I was wasting away my life on them. I wish I could get him to play some online stuff with me, but he won't simply because he doesn't want to hear me yelling at him if he messes up haha.

Edited by asmileyface08
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Oh, there's a new version for that now called WATER. The old version was buggy and hard to install apparently (though I never had trouble with it), and the new version looks pretty much the same but with fewer bugs and a few optional files for things like shoreline plants.


Edited by Rennn
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