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Foreign troops on national soil


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Aurielius, no offense intended but sometimes I wonder if you truly read what I write in my posts.


I spoke of referendums only being used with a very short list of concerns; I shifted my view in this topic to state from saying there mus be a referendum to saying that a referendum should only be needed if after a robust, healthy public debate in Australia that the majority of Australians want one. No national government can be run as it if were a town council, I totally agree with you.


I have always supported the exchange program but the permanent basing of large numbers of foreign troops on national soil, any foreign troops on any national soil, is nothing to do with the exchange program. I can not see how the exchange program would begin to threaten democracy.




I think that the carbon tax should have been taken to an election to be voted on. I have lost my respect for the Gilliard Government though I was a traditional Labour Party supporter.

I was against the Goods and Services Tax because I thought it would be abused and I suspect that it has been by Federal Governments of both political sides.


I now support the Greens so I suppose we differ there.

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HeyYou, i said that from a contextual, point of view, as to not get off topic. I believe the entire Iraq war was a sham. And i believe George bush was responsible for "a lot more than that" if you get my drift. The reason i wrote that was to not get off topic, and bring this debate to a totally different direction.


Historically though, mind you minus Iraq, The intention has always Been so. You Guys really dont want to debate with me the views i personally have on my government. As my views would be WAY OFFENSIVE to some.


I was just putting the "view" of the "people" into context, with as much media created "facts" as possible.


( the people being mainly, poloticians and idiots with no common sense. )

Edited by tamujiin
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@ marharg67:


I've always been a conservative, so I'm usually with the Liberals, though I outright hate the Greens. Their intentions are good, but their execution is horrible.


Just a small joke:


My link


@ Aurelius:


Off topic much? Anyway, how do you propose that we actually 'win' the Afghanistan war? But, about referendum, at least do it on the major stuff.....

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I believe you are correct that further discussion of how to win Afghanistan will drag this thread irrevocably off track..so I will hold my few paltry ideas in reserve until that thread comes up.

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The government I love lived over 100 years ago and nothing like it exists now to my knowledge.


Ah the good old days, when men were men and wives were property.


Because a belief in freedom means enslavement? Nice try. I love how any talk of returning to our limited government roots becomes a return to slavery and revoking of women's rights. You read how much I love freedom and then conclude that I want to enslave people.

Edited by csgators
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The government I love lived over 100 years ago and nothing like it exists now to my knowledge.


Ah the good old days, when men were men and wives were property.


Because a belief in freedom means enslavement? Nice try. I love how any talk of returning to our limited government roots becomes a return to slavery and revoking of women's rights. You read how much I love freedom and then conclude that I want to enslave people.

*You* are the one glorifying the government of the past, the very government that legally enslaved and marginalized other human beings. I am convinced the last thing libertarians actually believe in is liberty or freedom.


What they actually believe in is Property. As in, "If I own more property than you, I'm at liberty to pollute your air."

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The government I love lived over 100 years ago and nothing like it exists now to my knowledge.


Ah the good old days, when men were men and wives were property.


Because a belief in freedom means enslavement? Nice try. I love how any talk of returning to our limited government roots becomes a return to slavery and revoking of women's rights. You read how much I love freedom and then conclude that I want to enslave people.

*You* are the one glorifying the government of the past, the very government that legally enslaved and marginalized other human beings. I am convinced the last thing libertarians actually believe in is liberty or freedom.


What they actually believe in is Property. As in, "If I own more property than you, I'm at liberty to pollute your air."


Women's rights and no slavery are new things in the world. They came about in many ways because of the limited government and individual rights movement. Those things were not invented by the libertarians but abolished by them

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How did this debate get from forgein troops to slavery? What does that have to do with diddly squat in todays time? Really... Come one slavery is a thing of the past in most parts of the world. A majority of reasons why governments are changing also is to ensure womens equal rights.....


And really im not saying women have em, im just saying things are changing.... Thats left for another debate though.

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