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Every 15-20 minutes and before battle ends my M&B:Warband 1.143 showing a run time error that says "Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library- this application has requested the runtime to terminate in unusual way. Please contact the application support team for more Information"


any help will be appreciated...

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I think I had the same issue when I first installed the game. It made me feel disappointed in fact, because I got it as a gift on Steam. I didn't want to seem ungrateful for the gift, but it was simply unplayable so I ignored it.


I did some deep Google searching though and I found that updating Microsoft Visual C++ fixes it. That's weird, because I was pretty sure that my Microsoft Visual C++ was updated anyway. But yeah I updated it and now M&B doesn't crash at all unless I'm testing my mod and I made an error somewhere. 8D


Try it out, and see if that fixes the issue (it very likely will).

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