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Elder Scrolls Online officially announced


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Factions huh? Kinda like Two Worlds? That really wasn't an MMO, but you could have a decent amount of players in your game.


Dunno, I think this is going to be an uber fail. I'd hope it would be something original from other MMOs, but it's not going to be. It's probably gonna be a WoW clone or some other clone of a known MMO. Probably going to be subscription based too, that rules out me getting it all together. I just refuse to pay monthly for a game, despite what they say the money is for, I still think it's a rip-off lol.


I highly doubt a large number of people are going to play this. The servers will be shut down within a year, I can just see it.

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It will be a smash hit just like skyrim.


You can write a book about the things that went wrong with Skyrim but yet everyone bought it, every one played it, everyone loved or hated it and everyone is discussing such things spending hours and hours of their lives doing so.


TESO will be pretty big i think. I wont play it though. MMOs dont appeal to me, im eager to know what new things will be fitted in the lore anyway.

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Whatever it will be, should be quite interesting. It would be very funny if it really took off and rose above World of Warcraft (? not a big fan of it) in popularity. I just don't see that happening though, but stranger things have happened. I'll probably give it a shot.
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History has shown that it often repeats itself,and so far every MMO has marked the end of its singlplayer franchise.


is that why they made a completely new studio? to kill the one that made them rich?


also people keep saying that but only wow comes to mind. SWTOR was pretty much done till they made an mmo so you cant say it killed the singlplayer franchise.

Edited by hector530
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