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Elder Scrolls Online officially announced


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By setting the online game in the distant past Bethesda hasn't limited future single player Elder Scrolls at all. They've left the door open for new story development so if the online game tanks or fails to deliver as expected they can continue developing the style of game that has proven to be a perennial fan favorite.

The single player game's greatest advantage is that you can be as much of a bastard as you like without ruining anyone else's day. There will always be a need for this.


There will be another elder scrolls, we might have to wait for it, but game development is first driven by passion for the ideal, the game. As long as Bethesda keeps their focus on making great games rather than making big bucks they will remain successful.


As for those who believe the *have* to be innately gifted as the one and only dragon born to enjoy the game... grow up. You are what you make of yourself. Do your best. Don't whine. Don't get upset when someone does better than you do, learn from them. You can't achieve excellence in anything by being the only person in the race.

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This either fails and we're all left alone or we'll begin to see A LOT of WOW players.


Why would WoW players spend more money and risk moving to a new game that's like WoW when they could just play WoW though? At this point, I can't really see this taking off.

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Looks like an avg MMORPG from the pics alone.


Hell, you could call it "The Revenge of the Evil God Online" and i woulnt even blink at it lol

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Regarding my earlier posts: Sorry!



It was late at night and I may have been drinking more than was healthy :facepalm: so take me as a lesson kids, dont drink and talk crap on the internet. Hope you all can forgive me for my A-hole like behavior. Sorry again


Edit:While i admit that last night wasn't one of my greatest moments I still believe this is the end of single player elder scrolls.Its my opinion, you don't have to agree with it.


Indeed, we're all entitled to our opinions, but everyone needs to remember that if they place their opinion in the open, they're opening it up for critique. If I think the premise upon which you base your opinion is flawed, I'll say as much.


Regardless, I was so disappointed with Skyrim that if this marks the end of the SP (which I highly doubt it will, seeing as TES is such a cash cow), I'm not sure I'd be all that sad.

Edited by Halororor
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lol, so the hardcore Elder Scrolls fans won't play it because it doesn't look like the Elder Scrolls and the WoW fans won't play it because they're already playing roughly the same game already. So that leaves...?


EDIT: though it might be more fair to hold out and wait until just a little more hard information is revealed.

Edited by Djermengandre
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Eve Online aside, I usually only play MMOs to explore the world. Once I've seen everything there is to see, I get bored and move on to the next one. Happened in WoW and I'll probably get this and just explore everywhere before moving on again.


Really interested to see if they keep the giant scale of all the provinces like in the SP games, though.

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LOOL not buying this, the graphics look to much like Morrowind mixed with Oblivion.. I doubt modding would be allowed either, if it was... MWAHAHA HA HAA HAA


You know what i mean..

Edited by Thor.
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I'm a bit disappointed by the screenshots. I was interested to see this new game, but the screenshots just look like every other fantasy game. If they had 1st person in it, then that'd at least be something, but as of now, it looks boring.
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Thing about MMOs is I end up soloing most of the time after I get my fill of the 1337, "OMG you're specc'd wrong and don't have the uber RAID gear!!" douchebags. So I may as well play single player games if I can't play nice with others. That being said, I do seem to get that MMO urge now and again no matter how many face-palms are delivered to my door step.


Also, MMOs never seem to be skill based any more. Not only are they Theme Park WoW-a-Thons with very little sandbox elements mixed in, but most of em are barely even games at all. Oh look a mob It's level so and so and I'm level such and such, with my gear I will win every time or I can't possibly win... Yawn... I miss Pre-CU SWG.

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