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Elder Scrolls Online officially announced


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They cant afford to have the MMO team working full time, AND pay millions to Beth for a single player game

:psyduck: Your knowledge about economics is unmatched, often surpassed, but never matched.


PD: Kudos to whoever gets the reference :P

Edited by eltucu
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Its not that bad! We dont have to play it, and we will get the lore anyways... Though i do hope that there isnt a "No TES 6 in Alinor cuz its covered in TESO!" I'd really like to go to Elsewyr, you get desert and jungles in the same pack! (besides, the last desert i played in a RPG was in Gothic 3, it was awesome). Uncovering ancient Khajiiti cities buried in the sand or lost in the deep jungle, expecting fully mayan and egyptian inspired content!


If TESO covers that, then maybe i wont be seeing that for TES6 :(

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Ok, first screenshot released:



And announcement trailer:

Edited by amycus
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I don't see how it looks awful, if anything it's pretty much a standard mmo. I'll play it for a month or two for lore and to see places in Tameril we haven't seen before and revisiting morrowind sounds pretty awesome. When it comes to mmos I'm a pvp player and when I found out dunmer and argonians are in the same factions I lost interest in it. I want to kill dunmer scum damn it!!!


O well at least I get to see blackmarsh

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I think that's the problem Hector - It looks like a standard, rather uninteresting textbook MMO. When you think about the design of Skyrim, and then you see this... Well, they should have not taken design hints from modders and other popular MMOs and perhaps instead look more towards the series and its latest incarnation itself. I mean, that Alyeid ruin is most likely in Cyrodiil, but thanks to the sharp contrasts in color that we are inclined to seeing in a TES game compared to this, it just doesn't feel like Cyrodiil. Yeah, it's jungle and all at the time, but still... :\
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Dunno, I think this is going to be an uber fail. I'd hope it would be something original from other MMOs, but it's not going to be. It's probably gonna be a WoW clone or some other clone of a known MMO. Probably going to be subscription based too, that rules out me getting it all together. I just refuse to pay monthly for a game, despite what they say the money is for, I still think it's a rip-off lol.


I would refuse to play the game if there if there WASN'T a monthly fee. Having your MMO F2P is the surest way of degrading the quality of the entire community, as well as opening the sluice gates to goldsellers.


Bethesda still has fallout and it is not unheard of for that exact thing happening, tell me when was the last time you heard any news of Warcraft 3 , how about KOTOR 4.


PS: If you're saying the KOTOR franchise was dead then you obviously haven't played KOTOR 2 there are any number of possibilities for a sequel or at least there were. Till bioware saw money and killed the franchise off.


Are you for real? You're saying that the TES single-player will die off, and basing your assumption on only TWO previous examples from totally unrelated companies? Yeah...


I think it's YOU who needs the reality check.

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Regarding my earlier posts: Sorry!



It was late at night and I may have been drinking more than was healthy :facepalm: so take me as a lesson kids, dont drink and talk crap on the internet. Hope you all can forgive me for my A-hole like behavior. Sorry again


Edit:While i admit that last night wasn't one of my greatest moments I still believe this is the end of single player elder scrolls.Its my opinion, you don't have to agree with it.

Edited by Eddieawsome
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