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Is the Combat Rifle considered an Automatic or a Single Shot


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Some people like to refer to semi-automatic guns as "Automatic" which they are not. How are they considered in game terms. I want to make the best in some of my sniper perks. Thank you.



The Rabbit

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Just like the 'Assault Rifle", laser gun, plasma gun, and numerous others this changes depending on how you have customized it. If you have a semi-auto receiver installed, it is, well, semi-auto (single shot) and benefits from the Rifleman perks and any others that are based on the semi-auto fire mode. If you install an automatic receiver it will benefit from Commando perks and similar.

If the confusion is over the terminology used in those perks, Rifleman is for bolt actions, lever actions, semi-autos, and anything else that only fires one round with each trigger pull, Commando is for any weapon that will continuously fire as you hold down the trigger (as automatic should be). Large weapons, mostly those fired from the hip or shoulder like the minigun, Gatling laser, missile launcher, or harpoon gun, do not get benefits based on their fire mode, but rather their size, i.e. Big Guns in older games or Heavy Gunner in F4.

Edited by jkruse05
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