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I thought it might be a cool idea if a magical shop that sold televisions for your houses exclusively might be cool.

And then people who made like videos in Oblivion could make collab's of videos, with voiceovers and submit them, efficively creating a 'channel'.

Then it would be like, different channels like ArenaTV and the weather forcast and stuff.


Meh, just my little brainstorm. Probably difficult and almost un-do-able but at least it sounded good in my head.

Go ahead then, discuss. :thanks: for reading.

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The problem really is in how you try to script or display it. Unfortunately playing video files in game can cause instabilities, which may not be an issue for rare uses of such an object, but would likely cause problems from repeat usage. For those reasons, it doesn't work too well for general purposes, such as entertainment, but rather is more suited for something specific you want to show people, or as being quest related.


Regardless, anything you decided to do this with would likely need to be edited or tailor made to look right. That alone is enough to make people considder other methods of conveying what they want. A journal entry describing an event, or even making the player witness the event firsthand is far easier to setup than playing a video that shows the same event.

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yeah i was afraird of that Vagrant0 scripting would be the greatist challage there i think



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Alright guys, tv for feedback. Its just I was thinking of maybe making some strange questline whereby events happen in a strange haunted house, and your only instructions are given by the previous owners magical TV (a mage/dwemmer's newfound contraption o'course).


But if its too hard, ect, ect, nvm eh :)

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