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Porting Oblivion models, easy Blender adjustment to Skyrim pose?


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Is there some sort of simplified way of modifying an armour in the Oblivion pose (the T shaped with arms stretched out flat), to the Skyrim pose (with arms dropped down at the side?), I know there's an Oblivion skeleton/Skyrim pose, but the instructions for modifying it are for 3ds max, which I don't have.


Any help would be appreciated


P.S. Apparently you're not allowed to bump topics so I must repost it? Seems kind of silly. I really would like an answer though, as I want to start porting OSP models and oblivion resources into Skyrim :L

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P.S. Apparently you're not allowed to bump topics so I must repost it? Seems kind of silly. I really would like an answer though, as I want to start porting OSP models and oblivion resources into Skyrim :L


:facepalm: No, you are not meant to simply make another identical topic.


You make your case in ONE topic, then you can only, aside from using the edit button for the opening post, wait until someone replies.



Additionally, if your request gets locked, DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER THREAD for the same request for a period of at least a month. Duplicate threads will simply be deleted, regardless of content. So just don't do it.

Taken from http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/581310-do-not-bump-threads/

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If nobody replies, that means either nobody knows the answer or nobody is interested in writing a lengthy tutorial. If that happens, do your own research.





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