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Breton Thief Oriana

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Jesus died for all our sins (And a klondike bar as well).


Jesus said "Tomarrow, one of you will betray me....for a klondike bar."


Jesus is the messiah, and for that, we shower him with gifts. The three wise men came towards the baby in the manger baring gold, gems, and...can you guess it?....KLONDIKE BARS


[singing] Oh what would you do-OO-oOo for a klondike bar?[/singing]


well, we've all seen what jesus would do for a klondike bar. Now what about you folks at home? what would YOU do for a klondike bar?


A NOTE TO THE MODS: if you accepted the "what color mold grows on our socks" thread, then you should accept this.

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Well now we have just been advised that we may be being too lenient. Much though you may be a Klondike Bar fetishist, I have not even a clue as to what it is. If I let this thread go Breton Thief, do not start posting others like it or I will savage it with the spear of Spamdoom! Take this to be a note that change is on the way!


And can we please keep Jesus out of these debates. He was a good Jewish boy. That's all we need to know.

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um, yup, sure are. you found a secret tressure trove of awesome merchandise! Must go! Must Buy! (fitting with a topic, finish both those sentences with "Klondike bar.)


I just realized. I never said what I would do for one. I'd go to my freezer and pull one out to eat, seeing as I have a box full of em.


EDIT: new idea by me. a guy buys a klondike bar and then walks into an actual bar. He starts talking with the first hot chick he sees. she says, "My! its so big!" and he says, "Yup. and cold too."

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