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The Castle Radio Tower Support Cables


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Hello All,

I have been into the Creation kit and can't find away to make these cables scrapable, even scrap everything won't touch them. Is there a way to make them act like power wires thus making them scrapable or is it a case of just deleting them in the CK and running with that?

Thanks All

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So I took a look at ScrapEverything and the Castle. The wires are object BendableSpline MetalCableSpline01, and they are on the list for being scrappable with ScrapEverything. The upper wires may be considered out of the Castle's buildable area, since they are attached to the tower above it, but I'm not sure why the lower wires aren't scrappable.


Deleting them in the CK would be the easiest way. If it really bugs you, that's what I would do. Be sure to delete the vines as well, though

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Figured as much, would a mod that raised the build height of the castle help any? Probably will just scrap them in the CK though.


Would it be possible to replace it with one of the towers located in the commonwealth, it is down when found and when the power is restored to it, it will raise up and active the station.

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You mean the extendable radio towers? It should be feasable. The only downside is they retract automatically after a while, so you'll need to re-extend it every time you return to the castle.


To delete the cables make a new save, get as near as possible to them, go into the console and click a cable so its refenrence i.d. shows and then type markfordelete in the console. Hit enter and close the console and then get to a point that's outside the cell the tower and cables are in, quicksave and reload that quicksave and go see if the cables are gone. It's what I do at Outpost Zimonja.

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Yea if they retract that is a small problem, wonder if the raising can be linked to a power source rather than a switch, so as soon as you enter the castle cell it raises automatically

Depends on how and why they retract. If it's a timer, that timer can be adapted. If it has to do with distance and how far the player runs away from a tower, that's another matter.


Personally, I think the towers retract when the cell they're in resets. Just like junk respawns in containers outside of settlements. If that's the case, there's the odd chance that a self-added radio tower won't retract as long as the settlement cell doesn't reset, which it shouldn't, under normal circumstances.

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