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Fallout Broke My F4SE


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So its not working for me it is saying i have and the verson of the game i have is 1.10.82 i gone to the webste where you get the se and reinstalled it and still it says that. I'm at a loss of what to do or what I am doing wrong.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm getting a slightly different error (at least before rolling back and preventing updates. facepalm)
The error when I run it says I'm still using F4SE 0.6.8, so either a bug or I missed something when upgrading.

But that is extra weird.
When installing the new one, it uninstalls the old, then installs. It then warns me that the game version is when it expects Proceed anyway?
Yes. Those two read the same. What the hell?

*sigh* rolling back, blocking updates, and waiting for this to blow over.


"Hey, Bethesda! Modders added multiple cities, new equipment made from scratch, and entire new game modes (*cough*Frost*cough*) without breaking compatibility. Is it really that hard to follow suit every time the CC updates?"

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I suppose F$SE checks the version number of Fallout4.EXE and doesn't run when there is a mismatch to protect users from possible data corruption.


The easiest thing to do is set Steam to only update Fallout 4 when you launch the game (run the game's built-in launcher). But if you are using F4SE, you will never launch the game the way Steam expects, so it will never be updated! Not unless you actually run the built-in launcher, anyway.


Replace Fallout 4.EXE with the previous version and you're golden. Play in peace and quiet until everyone is finished getting their mods back in order.

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