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SetPos, MoveTo not doing anything


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Okies so to explain what I mean there if was confusing ... And I will just use an activator running a script with "Begin OnActive" instead of second event handler since I am uncertain how those work.


But to take your script posted in #1 up to the point of where it is just getting and saving positional data.

This point I think ...


if eval fHealth < fHitDamage


MyActivator.SetVariable fposx to fPosNewX ; sets variable in other script

MyActivator.SetVariable fposy to fPosNewY

MyActivator.SetVariable fposz to fPosNewZ








Then the activator script , which that activator is set as a quest item so is always loaded.



Float fposx

Float fposy

Float fposz


Begin OnActivate


MadpusherRef.SetPos X fposx

MadpusherRef.SetPos Y fposy

MadpusherRef.SetPos Z fposz






IDk , need some detail working out , but just to give you the concept idea .

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Sorry for not checking this. I was trying something else.

Here's a video of working version:

Point of mod is to add momentum to actors after they die. You can see how after I kill someone, their body continues to go in a way they were heading (sometimes exaggerated when in slow motion). That doesn't happen in vanilla game. However, I use Callback delay to achive that. So it creates a gap between pusher and actor.

What you wrote here is similar to what EPDGaffney proposed, so I'll need to check that out.

Thanks! :)
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Well I guess I am confused now more than ever ... this is a video of your mod working ???

If so ... what is the problem ... and if it is someone elses mod , why not just use theirs' ?


But LOL ... that was similar to what EPDGaffney said ?

Sheesh ... I guess I am not very observant :cool:

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Yes, the mod works, but not in single frame like I wanted. This is more of a workaround.

It's my mod and I made the video.


He told me that in PM, not here. :smile:




Oh thanks , was feeling like my mind maybe starting to go , with the only solace that great minds think alike :happy:


So with it rendering what need be done for the player to see ... you are just trying to make it less process intensive ? Since this will be common scripting ran throughout the game.


By the way ... it looks very good , and was an awesome enhancement idea to come up with :thumbsup:

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Did you ever play PainKiller ?

I seem to remember dead units flying through the air like that.


Ya what up with the Fallout vanilla ... units just die in place irrespective of the velocity they were traveling.

Nice addition ;)

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