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Need help with finding the Sound reference in a NIF


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I listed the name of the file I want to edit but I get lost in all the code in nifskope. The height of my experience is just reassigning texture paths with nifskope.


So my question is, I'm using some "mini" waterfalls in my mod. (WaterfallBodyTall02.nif) but they are awful LOUD!!


I either want to mute the sound all together or turn the sound of the crashing water down a bit, its very annoying.


I don't intend on changing the vanilla version of the waterfall, so I am going to rename it and use it with my modified changes.


Anyone know where I can find the reference in the NIF file to delete the sound path or is there one or is there an easier way to do this?


Thanks in advance!

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Sounds aren't added in .nifs but are added in game. You can mod the Sound file itself however, just look up the folder location in the Skyrim - Sounds.bsa.


I understand that the sound file itself isn't inside the .nif, but I'm wondering about the reference, just like textures are referenced by a path to the texture in the .nif. When you add the waterfall in game you don't add a sound and an object, you're adding a nif which I would think would tell the game where the textures is and where the sound file is to be played.


i know the sound file is in sounds.bsa and found it, but how does the game know what object to use with that type waterfall without a reference or path?? Also If i alter the sound file it changes the sound of all instances of that waterfall used throughout Skyrim. I don't want this, just need to change the path to a different file.


Thanks for the help so far... but I am looking for a path to alter..

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.nifs don't reference sound for Skyrim, you'll need to make those changes in the Creation kit. You'll have to make a new sound file then alter the Waterfall to point to it in the CK.



Ah ok, I understand now. I see it now if I create a "movable static" object..


Thanks man, helped me see the light =)))

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.nifs don't reference sound for Skyrim, you'll need to make those changes in the Creation kit. You'll have to make a new sound file then alter the Waterfall to point to it in the CK.



Ah ok, I understand now. I see it now if I create a "movable static" object..


Thanks man, helped me see the light =)))


Yes, you're on the right track now. WorldObjects>MovableStatic but the volume is controlled in the Audio>Sound Descriptor>AMBWaterfallLargeLPSD for instance.

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  • 8 months later...

.nifs don't reference sound for Skyrim, you'll need to make those changes in the Creation kit.







NODE 104





Changing the string will mute or play another sound marker:



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  • 2 years later...
  • 6 months later...

1. Open the .nif in Nifskope.
2. Open the bhkCompressedMeshShapeData.

3. Find the Chunk Materials item, and expand it.

4. Should see "material" with something like MAT_WOOD next to it.

5. Double-click it and from the drop-down box, choose the material you want.

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  • 7 months later...

I know this is a major necro but I want to record this for others searching for the answer. I was looking for the solution myself and finally figured it out. ALL of these answers are wrong, they seem to be assuming the OP meant collision sound. He meant the sound referenced in the controller branch for doors or ambient waterfall sounds that are referenced right in the nif. You CAN ignore this and use the CK to get around it, but you can build it right into the NIF, AND if the NIF has a sound assigned it will ignore any CK assignment. So if you want CK control of sound on something, it will need to be stripped anyway.


In NiControllerManager -> NiControllerSequence -> NiTransformInterpolator -> NiTextKetExtraData look for Text Keys and click on the txt next to the VALUE and enter your sound (ex: Sound: DRScDisplayCaseOpen) it will be the middle block. The first one starts the animation, the second is the sound and the third is the end animation. (look at the vanilla display cases for examples)

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