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At start of game female character is nude. How do I get clothes on her?


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I did the files integrity check just this day and everything came through okay. I just wish I had a clue as to were to check. What you just said about the body makes sense. I am going to try and find a new one and see if that will help.

thanks again.

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Well I did some more work on this problem. First I disabled all the mods in NMM. Next I reinstalled completely Fallout4 (boy! did that take time). Then after it was installed and with no NMM mods to hinder the entire game I started it and began to play it. The minute the male and female player characters came up....! Yup! You guessed it! The female Character was still naked. What's a muther to do???? Playing without any mods should have fixed it since I started the game without any mods initialized. None. Yet there she was in all her glory!

I tried to find a new body but I am not sure where I can find others. I have or have used a good number of the others already. Just trying to improve my experience....


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Mmm... now install CBBE. First the regular nude option and if your female character is still naked right off the bat, re-install CBBE but with the "nevernude" option. Normally, your character should now always have underwear. See what gives in both cases.

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Okay. Here are some additional items that I tried. I went through NMM and deleted one by one any mod that would create a nude female body. I checked in game each time and no change was recorded, she is still nude. I reinstalled each mod each time an went to the next one. Same outcome. One thing I DID notice is that when I start at the beginning and play the female not only is she nude but when they run to the vault about a third of the females in game are also nude.

WTF?? None of the above attempts have changed them either. Yet there are other females in that portion of the game that are not nude. Same as when I get into the vault. About half of the female characters are nude the other half are not.

This part has me baffled. What could possibly affect the non-player females the same as the female player character?

Any thoughts? I do really appreciate all the help you have given me.

This has become a challenge to me. If only I remembered enough about code so I could go into it and find the offending line that has been corrupted..... Rats.

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Well, if it's the base game that got corrupted, an integrity check should fix that. But it didn't, somehow.


The ones that are nude are they wearing dresses or pants? If I remember correct, the player's character wears pants at the start. Vault suits also have a pants part.


Anyway, since it seems that it's clothes that are at the basis of the problem, try installing a cloting mod that overwrites every vanilla clothing item and see what gives. I have a similar problem with the Diamond City guard all walking around in underwear. Also can't find what causes that. But I don't care. Will fix it in a next play-through.

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The ones at the start as we are running to the vault are completely nude, nothing on except what they were born in. I have look for the clothing mods and tried a few but my problem appears to be bullet proof in that nothing can touch it. Somewhere there must be SOMETHING that can change things but I have yet to find it. Maybe support can help. I will try that next.

Thanks for your help. It is most appreciated!


Well I tried to get through to support but to no avail. Getting through to someone is like getting into the gold vault at Fort Knox! So I guess my chances of getting this fixed are slim.

Thanks for the help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i just tried to post an image of the problem I have but Nexus Forums may find it objectionable due to some content in the image. If this is the case I apologize now. What I tried to do is to show what was happening in game where some of the females were nude and others were wearing clothes. The picture does show what I mean but it was extremely difficult for me to get any image posted at all. Sorry again if anyone is or will be offended as that was never my intent.

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Use a host like Imgur (totally free sign-up), add the pics between spoiler tags (using one of the two bottom links from Imgur) with a NSFW warning or disguise certain body parts like nipples and such. Or both.

Thanks, JimmRJump! Unfortunately I was never able to get the picture posted to show what I mean. It was as the player character is going into the Vault and just before getting a vaultsuit (in the female characters case she is naked when she puts it on and naked before she puts it on). This starts at the very beginning of the game when the characters are created and only the female in the house is naked. I hate things I can't fix... Thanks again!

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