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What Have I Done?


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After well over 2000 hours of Skyrim, something went horribly wrong. I've been playing a heavily modded game (and by "heavily modded," I mean 238 active plugins with over 350 if you count merges) and my saves finally stopped loading. I could start new games (with LAL, natch) but subsequent saves would just crash to desktop. This is to be expected when pushing the game and my ancient box to such extremes.


I've pored over the forums looking for a solution and re-installing Skyrim seemed the natural thing to do after all other options failed. I spent several hours backing up all my mods, mesh and texture folders, .inis - the works, then uninstalled.


As I'm looking at the Steam page, Skyrim SE beckoned. My son has that version on his comp and it runs like butter. A quick view of the Nexus shows that most of the essential mods have been ported over.




I decided to go for it. I've deleted EV.RY.THING. and decided to start from scratch. Over 300 backed-up saves; 47 Gigs of TESV downloads from the Nexus; hours upon hours of tweaking, merging, bashing and patching- all sent to digital oblivion.

This is terrifying and exciting all at once.


Wish me luck.

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While save files will only every climb to up to 16-18megs on a fully explored vanilla game(always the case for me at least), mods continue to add to the file size. Also, the size of the data folder, and I think the save folder play additional role in game stability. While having less hours than you, I've had my best save corrupt on my at 235hrs.


2,000 hours though, dang, that's like 1000+ real time hours.

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I have always wondered why people keep so many saves. I usually keep my last ten saves and delete the rest. I have been playing this game since 2011 and have yet to need to go to a save older than ten saves ago to fix a bug or a corrupt save.


Anyway, enjoy SSE, I think you will find it more stable than oldrim.

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