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What is it with Obama's face during speeches?


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The debt ceiling was raised by multiple presidents. I believe it was raised twice by bush.


Saying that the economy is more important then peoples rights would be okay if unemployment was actually rising still.


Obama is a politician, what do you expect? Of course he is going to play off his success. So would any other politician in the world.


Obama is nowhere close to a communist. Saying that is just silly.


Socialist. :D Keep your terms straight.


Doesn't matter who wins in november. the country is still going down the toilet, only difference between them is going to be the rate at which it proceeds. It's a toss-up over who will get us to the cliff faster..... Neither party (not just the candidates) have any idea how to 'fix' anything. They think they can just legislate a better economy, when they have already proven that they can only legislate a WORSE economy. Not to mention that they merely poke around at symptoms, in the hopes of 'looking' like they are actually doing something, but, leave the underlying causes to fester, and even enhance them.


And even if they DID know exactly what they needed to so, not a one of those spineless corporate flunkies in washington would have the cahones to actually DO it. That would cut off their gravy train......


Nope, don't expect anything to change after november. More of the same.


This. Really couldn't say it any better.

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No offense but that is nonsense and I don't believe that for a minute. And I think if you do believe that, you are blind to what is really happening.


Obama is no socialist. He is a pandering Centerist-- I suppose he's thinking he can play to the middle and win a second term as Clinton did.






(*note two different links)


Quote: The healthcare system in America clearly needs reform, but quite possibly the worst possible choice of solutions to this problem is to hand it over to our government, which has earned an almost impeccable record for failure and tendency towards corruption.


Oh Really? My BSmeter just went on maximum: Corruption is everywhere not just in government which of course is made of a sample of the representative population. See The Catholic Church, Enron, Halliburton, Tom Delay, Blagojevich, Abramoff, Gingrich pursuing Clinton for a tawdry affair because that's all he could get him on, while Cingrich himself was having a tawdry affair.


Up until the postal service was hit below the belt s the postal service delivered to the US people a great bang for our buck. But in 2006 it was politically strapped into an unnecessary requirement to pay 5.5 billion dollars a year into a trust fund for future retiree pensions. All the postal service competitors have no such overhead, and in my opinion the only reason that was done was as a kickback to Fedex to UPS, and another way to cast government into a bad light.


Similarly the best health delivery system we have is the VA hospital; While there have been some problems, for the most part it works great. And no one wants to give up their Medicare benefits if they're so bad, why not? Cuz the right is full of crap.

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No offense but that is nonsense and I don't believe that for a minute. And I think if you do believe that, you are blind to what is really happening.


Obama is no socialist. He is a pandering Centerist-- I suppose he's thinking he can play to the middle and win a second term as Clinton did.

You need to recalibrate your political meter if you think Obama is a centrist, only the far left wing thinks he is in the center. If Obama started now moving steadily to the right he might barely get to the center by November. Clinton was realist and knew he couldn't govern from the left and moved to the center..and got some of his legislation passed unlike Obama.

Edited by Aurielius
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Ok, Myrmaad you are rapidly joining HY on my list of favorit posters. I don't suppose you would consider running for president??? :unsure: I almost have him convinced. :whistling:


Why is it that people like you guys and Aurielius is another one, by the way, are not the people we see out there running for office. Why do politicians have to be such, such, such.... politicians arrrgggggh!!!! :wallbash:


Edit, A got his post in before mine. I disagree with him. I believe Mr. Obama is more centrist than people give him credit for. I will agree that he leans more to the left than the right on domestic issues, but he is not the flaming liberal that many people think he is. His focus is on the people rather than the corporations.

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Well thanks Gran, but I usually feel a bit sheepish and self conscious about letting it all hang out like this, but I also feel like I have a responsibility to at least point out what I see.


And Aurelius if he's such a socialist how on earth did we not even get to bring up a public option at all when we were considering health care legislation. The mandate is a Republican idea, Republicans originally pushed the idea on the floor and so no matter how you want to pretend and spin now, they get the honors of being the ones to have come up with it. It was introduced as an alternative to Hilarycare in the 90s if you will recall or research.


Furthermore about this BS deficit nonsense. In my opinion the whole subject is a ruse; it's a fabricated issue to distract us from what's really happening (the wealth funneling from the middle to the top).


Let's go there: Reagan scorned Carter's "big government" then when Reagan left office running up the largest deficit spending ever seen all the while touting "trickle down' economics that I'm here to tell you never did work. Clinton had to scrap much of his plans because of the deficits and under his two terms they were tightened up and we got back on track. This became a winning strategy for republicans by the way, they've done it every single republican term since, if you run big deficits Dems can't do the programs on their wish lists. I can quote Dick Cheney, why do you think he said "Reagan proved deficits don't matter" he was talking "politically" obviously.


Furthermore Karl Rove said in an interview I read in a magazine years ago during 1999 that his strategy is to spend so much "that the dems have nothing to run on".


Right now in congress they are fulfilling this strategy by fighting over adding to the defense budget by ransacking human services despite the Joint Chiefs and Secretary of Defense repeatedly telling them they don't need more defense spending right now.




And by the way I have watched DOD telling Congress this over and over in the last few months but the House doesn't want to hear that because it does follow the rove plan. I guarantee you, it's all strategy and for the Republicans, in my opinion, in Congress at least, it doesn't matter who gets hurt as long as they win.


(and Run for president? No way.)


Oh and don't get me wrong, there's a lot I don't like on the Dem side too. Obama made some really jejune mistakes like putting Liar Geithner in charge of the treasury. Down on the farm we have a saying for that: "putting the fox in charge of the Henhouse"


But Bush was no better, his administration kissed the bankster behinds by giving them sweet credit card laws and the bankruptcy legislation that hurt our economy and helped rupture the housing bubble: http://www.newyorkfed.org/research/epr/forthcoming/1102morg.pdf


Bush was also behind the largest government expansion since the Great Society with their Medicare Part D "donut" hole crap legislation which is one reason why health care costs have skyrocketed and why we have to do something about healthcare. I need to stop as I'm sure you're coming at me with more.

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Obama's "Health Care Reform" had very little to do with actual health CARE, and everything to do with Health Insurance..... He wanted a public option initially, but, even with a dem controlled house AND senate, he would not have been able to get that thru. (lobbyists wouldn't let their bought and paid for people vote for it.)


So far as I can tell, as far as economic, and foreign policy are concerned, there is NO difference between Bush, and Obama. Obama has just as many wars to his credit as Bush, fortunately, they weren't quite as involved, and didn't have the staying power the Bush wars' did.


As for running for President.... sure, would love too. :D Unfortunately, given the way congress works (or, doesn't, as the case may be....) I would not be able to accomplish a damn thing, as I would most certainly be bucking the system, and congress would be looking for ANY excuse to boot me the heck out. Either that, or I would be assassinated...... I am thinkin' my first (only?) term would be rather uncomfortable for the american people, as little to nothing would happen in washington.... I wouldn't sign ANYTHING that added to pork barrel spending, and no way in hell would congress pass the reforms I have in mind.

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I believe if you read my post you will not find the word Socialist being used once. That you seem to feel that there is no deficit crisis leaves me stunned not amused. In addition I do not believe that I have ever set up Regan as a paragon of conservative values. I have been told many times by liberals such as Granny that I am more centrist than conservative, though I prefer the term moderate conservative. President Obama is certainly not in the center as Clinton eventually was. The president's Foreign Policy is a joke and a bad one at that, his economic policies have brought to the edge of a fiscal abyss. I have no real quarrel with his strictly social policies excluding Health Care. He has no record of legislative accomplishments either before or after being elected. Obama's practical ability to make a good old fashioned congressional deal is laughable. Obama is running the divide and conquer campaign by trying to pit one sector of Americans against the other. The contrast to this campaign with his previous one is stark, that you cannot see this isn't droll, it's sad because I have always viewed you as an intelligent woman and a fair one.

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HeyYou, what you just posted, probably somewhat whimsically as your reasons for not running for president perfectly describe the problems this president has and most any president has when entering office. It is called, POLITICS AS USUAL.


You may substitute your issues for his issues or anyone else's issues. It just does not matter anymore. We are living in an obstructionist age when it comes to our government. No one is ever going to win. No side is ever going to be "right". Every single solitary member of Congress has his/her own agenda, as does every elected official in every state, city government, etc. In my opinion the agenda no longer has much to do with "serving the people". It has a lot more to do with either "how do I look or sound good", or "how much can I stuff into my pockets before I get out of here". I imagine there are still a few members out there who believe in the Constitution and what America is meant to stand for. However, it would not surprise me at all to learn that the majority of our Federal government employees, specifically congresspeople and White House employees do not even know what the Constitution says, or if they do know what it says, I doubt they know what it means.



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Obama is no socialist, centerist, communist, dictator, etc, he's a terrorist inho, a man sent to America to rip the coutry apart. He had TWO YEARS or polictical experience, and was probably not veen born in America.


Ever hear Obama without his telegram or scripts or anything? He stutters. A lot. Because he has no answers to questions, no way of fixing the country, etc. I would move to Iraq before I cast a vote for him again.


It's sad to see the country that I swore to defend with my life fall apart, and I can't do anything about it.





Obama has blamed everything on Bush, even the stuff that Bush didn't do. Obama played a small part in the death of Osama, but Obama took so much credit for it. I played a bigger part in that op then he did. Heck, every other sergeant in any branch of the army did. We gathered the intel, we secured the choke points, we were the ones fighting while he sat in DC watching.


I was in a squad that had to keep a city to the north from sending a military attack, and we were shot at by Taliban. I wasn't given any credit for leading that defense.



Obamacare and Romneycare are both horrible ideas. Health care should come free, and should come with all the features possible. Paying money to stay alive is by far outragous.


And another matter is the gas problem. Sure, Obama is repairing the oil problem, but he has completly IGNORED the gas prices. His energy solution wont help, EVER.





Basically, there are enough details in this whole thread on why you shouldn't vote for Obama.



But the original purpose was to discuss why his face seems so evil lol, but I guess this thread turned out to be something better.

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Obama is right wing if not centrist, calling him to the left is completely ignoring reality.


A left wing president wouldn't support corporations and propose weak regulation laws. A left wing president wouldn't put out crap like his healthcare bill. A left wing president would have already ended the multiple wars we are in and not decide to start a few more.


What is Obama actually left wing on?

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