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What is it with Obama's face during speeches?


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If you support Ron Paul, vote for Ron Paul. If he isn't running, find another candidate you can support.


If you're too lazy/close-minded to look for another candidate whose views you agree with then you have no right to complain.




Did you read my last post? Seems like you didn't. Please do read it.

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Also, one thing that should be understood, you dont vote, you should not complain about who winds up in office or what happens during that term, it is your DUTY to exercise your rights.

Though I am loathe to be on the the same side, I must concur with the Khan's statement....it's duty and a privilege that has been dearly paid for. If you don't vote then you should sit tight and shut up for four years.



If I don't vote, I still can express my opinion. It's called the "third party," something I am apart of. If an American doesnt vote, it means he doesn't support anyone who is running, and thus will express why he doesn't like any of the racers.


Think of it as the Super Bowl. Someone doesn't want either team to win, but he still says why they both suck. So, if I don't vote, I have to shut up and hold my opinion? Last time I checked, EVERYONE was entitled to his opinion.


I say I don't want to vote, and apperantly I loose my rights to say why I don't want to vote. I voted for RP, who never won, and thus I really don't want to vote because if I do, a terrible person will recieve my support, even though I don't support him. Where's the reasoning in voting for someone I don't like and don't want in the office? Why support someone I don't support? Just because I am an American, I HAVE to support someone running for president? If so, then I'll be ashamed to consider myself an American when everyone around me doesn't care for what this country was forged around.


If I say I won't vote for Obama, I have my reasons and will NOT support him or vote for him. If I say I won't vote for Romney, I have my reasons and will NOT support him or vote for him.


Give me a valid reason why I have to vote for one of two people I do not support and don't want in the office.


There are actually other people on the ballot. Vote for the Libertarian or write in Ron Paul.

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You could write-in Barney the dinosaur or Dick Tracy, doesn't matter, as long as you vote. If you choose not to vote, you are not using your right as a citizen to express your opinion anyway.


It is your right, privilage and duty to vote. If you choose the lazy path, and "don't vote period" what are you accomplishing? IMO that is spitting on everyone that has ever defended this countries freedoms.

Edited by tamujiin
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You could write-in Barney the dinosaur or Dick Tracy, doesn't matter, as long as you vote. If you choose not to vote, you are not using your right as a citizen to express your opinion anyway.


It is your right, privilage and duty to vote. If you choose the lazy path, and "don't vote period" what are you accomplishing? IMO that is spitting on everyone that has ever defended this countries freedoms.


Erm, Gotta disagree here.... by NOT voting, you ARE expressing an opinion.... that "none of the above" meet your criteria for a candidate you are willing to vote for. Given the current cast of characters.... I can understand why voter turnout is so low......

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You could write-in Barney the dinosaur or Dick Tracy, doesn't matter, as long as you vote. If you choose not to vote, you are not using your right as a citizen to express your opinion anyway.


It is your right, privilage and duty to vote. If you choose the lazy path, and "don't vote period" what are you accomplishing? IMO that is spitting on everyone that has ever defended this countries freedoms.


Erm, Gotta disagree here.... by NOT voting, you ARE expressing an opinion.... that "none of the above" meet your criteria for a candidate you are willing to vote for. Given the current cast of characters.... I can understand why voter turnout is so low......



Actually it sends no message to the powers that be (and those that measure) because they simply write you off as disinterested.

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You could write-in Barney the dinosaur or Dick Tracy, doesn't matter, as long as you vote. If you choose not to vote, you are not using your right as a citizen to express your opinion anyway.


It is your right, privilage and duty to vote. If you choose the lazy path, and "don't vote period" what are you accomplishing? IMO that is spitting on everyone that has ever defended this countries freedoms.


Erm, Gotta disagree here.... by NOT voting, you ARE expressing an opinion.... that "none of the above" meet your criteria for a candidate you are willing to vote for. Given the current cast of characters.... I can understand why voter turnout is so low......



Actually it sends no message to the powers that be (and those that measure) because they simply write you off as disinterested.


Not like voting actually sends a message...... I should think that the lack of voter turnout..... (only about 30% or so of eligible voters actually get out and vote....) would send a message as well..... Why participate in what basically amounts to a popularity contest? Or maybe, more accurately, who has more money?

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You could write-in Barney the dinosaur or Dick Tracy, doesn't matter, as long as you vote. If you choose not to vote, you are not using your right as a citizen to express your opinion anyway.


It is your right, privilage and duty to vote. If you choose the lazy path, and "don't vote period" what are you accomplishing? IMO that is spitting on everyone that has ever defended this countries freedoms.


Erm, Gotta disagree here.... by NOT voting, you ARE expressing an opinion.... that "none of the above" meet your criteria for a candidate you are willing to vote for. Given the current cast of characters.... I can understand why voter turnout is so low......



Actually it sends no message to the powers that be (and those that measure) because they simply write you off as disinterested.


Not like voting actually sends a message...... I should think that the lack of voter turnout..... (only about 30% or so of eligible voters actually get out and vote....) would send a message as well..... Why participate in what basically amounts to a popularity contest? Or maybe, more accurately, who has more money?


I'm a "c-span junkie"; I watch Washington Journal every morning and often participate via Twitter (a kind of whacky greek chorus during the show), sometimes I call in; I watch our Legislators at work (hah) regularly, I listen to what they say and what their think tanks, advisers, and the washington insiders have to say; I read most of the literature coming from the Hill crowd.


By the way the Libertarian Party has their own candidate:



They call this generation "the age of apathy"; they don't think you care. By not voting you do not participate, and prove them right.


To be honest, when I hear people with opinions based on fiction as a few posts back, I'm relieved when they don't vote.


We have not attacked Iran unless you count the 1953 covert CIA op.







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You could write-in Barney the dinosaur or Dick Tracy, doesn't matter, as long as you vote. If you choose not to vote, you are not using your right as a citizen to express your opinion anyway.


It is your right, privilage and duty to vote. If you choose the lazy path, and "don't vote period" what are you accomplishing? IMO that is spitting on everyone that has ever defended this countries freedoms.



Do people not know that I am defending your freedom? I have a right to choose if I want to vote, and I don't want to vote for anybody. No one this year is capable of rebuilding America, so why should I give my support to someone I hate?



I am expressing my opinion by not voting, I'm expressing the fact that everyone running this year is a person I don't like.


I do care for current events, I just don't understand why I HAVE to vote for someone I DON'T SUPPORT. It doesn't make sense. I know plenty of other people who won't vote, why? Because they don't support anyone this year, and would rather have some new runners, and not these current idiots.

Edited by SubjectProphet
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