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What is it with Obama's face during speeches?


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I appreciate your continuing the defense of our freedoms, really I do. However the freedom that you are defending is wasted if it isn't used in the exercise of those rights. The only thing that you do by standing down and not voting, is make a vote like mine count more than your voice of disillusionment. The game of politics has never been clean, fair or without difficult choices and yes sometimes it's a matter of picking the lesser of two evils, but to do nothing only serves the purpose of those that think that the voice of your subset is not worth being answerable to. Being a citizen in the way our founders envisioned is a tough job, they thought we were up to the task and so do I.

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I appreciate your continuing the defense of our freedoms, really I do. However the freedom that you are defending is wasted if it isn't used in the exercise of those rights. The only thing that you do by standing down and not voting, is make a vote like mine count more than your voice of disillusionment. The game of politics has never been clean, fair or without difficult choices and yes sometimes it's a matter of picking the lesser of two evils, but to do nothing only serves the purpose of those that think that the voice of your subset is not worth being answerable to. Being a citizen in the way our founders envisioned is a tough job, they thought we were up to the task and so do I.



So, I'll cast my vote for someone who's only going to return the favor by destroying my country? If this were another year or another circumstance, sure I would vote, but America's life depends on this election, and I'm not going to vote if all of the runners will kill the country. When I voted in 2008, I voted for Obama even though I barely supported him because I could without the fear of America dying. 2012 is a different year, and I will vote in 2016 if whoever gets elected this time fixed the country, but this year I can't vote without getting angry at myself. I could vote for Obama, but Obama is the reason the 2012 election is so deadly to America. I could vote for Romney, but he will only tear this country apart more. I could vote for RP, but he won't win, so they count us as "undecided," or I could vote for Newt, but he just plainly sucks.


I'm only 26 and still getting used to politics, I just got married and am still setting my life up. I won't be a marine forever, and can't rely on this. I know the basics of this election, and that there screams at me not to vote. Maybe I'll change my mind further down the road, maybe I won't, maybe I won't even survive to the election, it's too early to tell.






Ever hear of an IP mask? It helps when you have horrible internet and no virus protection against spyware.








@Whoever reads this part


This thread was not intended for the current topic. Please change the topic to something other than making me feel like I HAVE to vote?

Edited by SubjectProphet
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Lol this is starting to sound like one of them political debates between the presidents, both trying to cram each other's opinions down the other's throat.


Personally, I write in None of the Above and vote that. Other people will write in different things, however, and the effect is rather dispersed with the variety of choices.


By not voting, it sends a clear message we need new candidates and we need people who we can TRUST. I challenge one of you to give me a reason why I should trust either the socialist or the apathetic suit monkey.


I think you can sort out the nicknames.

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I thank you for your service. Several people on this thread, including me, have also served, though I happened to serve during a time of piece; I was Air Force and a woman, and I probably wouldn't see much real action even if I was "in" today since most of the time I wrote articles for the newspaper and arranged meetings for Commanders and their guests.


Obama's "encouragment" was raising our spending limit, launching un-needed attacks against Iran, making it illegal not to have health care and fining those who can't afford it, increasing unemployment rate the highest I've seen it since the Great Depression, trying to focus more on the oil prices than gas prices (which is one of the most stupidist things he's done), refuse to raise the taxes on the rich even when they DEMAND that they want higher taxes (that would benifit more people than a communist resource plan would), lower military discounts (I deserve more for my service), help countless banks file bankruptcy, support a cop who attacked innocent people on Wall Street, and because his disapproval rating has gone up so much he took insane measures to decrease it (eg, support gay marriage) even though all the promises he'll make will all fade like they did in 2008.


1. Every congress raises the debt ceiling: UPDATED: Debt Ceiling Limits (1939- 2011) http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/05/debt-ceiling-limits-through-the-ages/


2. He has not attacked Iran at all, and most of the people beating the drum to attack Iran are republicans so you were right to back Ron Paul, but you could vote for the Libertarian candidate running and make your voice heard on that issue. I would love to hear why you find Gary Johnson, the Libertarian party nominee and former Governor of New Mexico, unacceptable.


3. If you had paying a lot of attention to the Affordable Care Act you would have noticed that everyone who "can't afford it" will be covered and will not have to pay for it. The only people who might be fined are those who absolutely can afford it, and decide to opt out.

The law does include individual responsibility requirements that can result in fines for not having coverage—but only if coverage is affordable for you and you still don’t obtain it. If there is no affordable health insurance option for you, you are exempt from having to pay any fines. Specifically, the Affordable Care Act says that if health insurance would cost you more than 8 percent of your income (which, for a person earning 400 percent of the federal poverty level, or $43,320, would be $3,466 a year, and less for people with lower incomes), you are not subject to any fines if you don’t have health insurance. Additionally, even if health insurance would cost you less than 8 percent of your income, if you have suffered a hardship that makes it financially or otherwise impossible for you to get and maintain coverage, you may also be exempt from fines. In no situation under the law can a person be charged criminally or be sent to jail for not having health insurance. Other exemptions from the individual responsibility requirements include those based on religion, being incarcerated, or being a member of an Indian tribe.
As someone who pays $200 a week for healthcare insurance for 2 covered people now, I think it's a pretty good deal.


3. I've got news for you, we were losing the most jobs while Bush was still the President when the economy first fell off the cliff. Since then it has been improving considering we had to cut Federal Employees because of the Anti government tea party influence. I wonder how Reagan would have done without his Federal Employee numbers to bolster his employment figures. You can look it up. Furthermore I was laid off under Bush, and he was not counting people who left the job market either. I remember well. And the mainstream media never even mentioned those numbers, it used to piss me off. At least they count those numbers now, but it does make it seem like it's something new. It's not.


4. Let me tell you my opinion on Gas prices. They should be higher. They should be higher. Oil is a non-renewable resource that's treated like a commodity and Americans waste it shamefully while the rest of the world actually pays a rate more in line with its worth. If it was higher I guarantee would be more careful and conservative with it. Furthermore, well just don't get me started about soccer moms in SUVs. I have a story to tell about the auto manufactures, California emissions, and the most successful media campaign ever that was used to exploit a law that was originally designed to benefit farmers who really do need to use trucks on a daily basis. :veryangry: I'm still mad.


5. It's the Republicans who are fighting to keep the Bush Tax Cuts, and the middle class has received a lower tax rate under the Obama administration. That's a fact.


6. This is something I'm not familiar with; the military pays a lot better these days then when I was in for retention and recruitment purposes. You'll have to fill me in.


7. "help countless banks declare bankruptcy"? That wasn't due to the economy that was off the cliff when he took office? You're starting to lose me here.


8. I'm not sure what Obama could have done personally about a local cop situation, best to leave it to the local jurisdiction, in my opinion. Local government usually is able to govern better, isn't that a Republican and Libertarian tenet??

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I have to stand with those on this thread who have stated that not voting is just plain dumb, with a capital D. Actually, I am fairly certain that none of them stated it in those terms, but basically that is how I personally feel about it.


For example, Aurielius and I are fairly good friends. However our politics are usually diametrically opposed when it comes to the choice of presidential candidates. In this particular election neither of us is particulary enamoured with our choices. However we both know that one of them is going to win. Ergo, if he votes and I don't I have given away my opportunity and my responsibility as a citizen to make a stand (albeit choosing the lesser of two evils). His candidate will have in effect have gotten two votes instead of one just because I chose two stamp my feet and complain 'cause I didn't like any of the players.


We are very fortunate to live in a society where we are allowed to make these choices; and yes we are allowed to choose not to vote. However when we make that choice we might as well shut up and sit down because whether or not we are fighting for our country, we have not made any attempt to say what kind of country we want to be fighting for.


More than half of the American public just does not bother to vote; a fact which boggles my mind. You, SubjectProphet state that you have an interest in our government and yet are unwilling to take part in the electoral process, as you are not happy with the candidates. Well forgive me for saying, "boo hoo". Neither am I, but I will have to live under the winner regardless, as will you. Make a choice buddy boy.


I too thank you for your service and am amazed at the amount of time you have to participate in these forums. It sounds to me as if Mr. Obama must have sent enough of you guys over there to get the job done in a hurry. Let's hope so... Get busy, and get home safely...



I'm sorry, it took me so long to type this, that several other (wonderful) posts got in before mine was done. When I typed it, it had more relevance to an earlier post.

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Ever hear of an IP mask?

No. Please enlighten me.


Wow. Just wow. And you use the internet, and don't know what an IP mask is.


That's not a very good answer. Frankly I'm disappointed.

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Ever hear of an IP mask?

No. Please enlighten me.


Wow. Just wow. And you use the internet, and don't know what an IP mask is.


That's not a very good answer. Frankly I'm disappointed.



Sorry, got a call from my dad who doesn't even care for me anymore and doesn't even say "hi" just "why aren't you home to help you're pregnent wife?" even though he knows for a fact I can't be home...........


Sorry, rambling. Yes, I do that while typing too.



Now, if everyone's serious about not knowing......



IP masks hide an IP, usually used to prevent spyware because the host won't have the correct IP address to use while hacking into the person's network. Sometimes it's also used for some people to hide their location, making sure no one will find them. In my case, I went ahead and masked the IP because the slow internet and lack of anti-virus. It works by grabbing your IP and moving it to the area on the globe you select, changing it and preventing people from seeing the correct IP. I can make it seem like I'm on vacation in San Diego, or somewhere in Florida. But I chose the one that made sense, and based it from my home city.


So, if that's cleared up......

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