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What is it with Obama's face during speeches?


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Maybe Barak Obama is a gone horrible wrong Clone experiment with the DNA of Vladimir Putin with a different type of colour?

I personally are for more colourful politics, but this would be Hillary-ous and can only be one of those evil conspiracy Terror-ies.


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Edited by Aurielius
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The debt ceiling was raised by multiple presidents. I believe it was raised twice by bush.


Saying that the economy is more important then peoples rights would be okay if unemployment was actually rising still.


Obama is a politician, what do you expect? Of course he is going to play off his success. So would any other politician in the world.


Obama is nowhere close to a communist. Saying that is just silly.

Edited by marharth
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The debt ceiling was raised by multiple presidents. I believe it was raised twice by bush.


Saying that the economy is more important then peoples rights would be okay if unemployment was actually rising still.


Obama is a politician, what do you expect? Of course he is going to play off his success. So would any other politician in the world.


Obama is nowhere close to a communist. Saying that is just silly.


Socialist. :D Keep your terms straight.


Doesn't matter who wins in november. the country is still going down the toilet, only difference between them is going to be the rate at which it proceeds. It's a toss-up over who will get us to the cliff faster..... Neither party (not just the candidates) have any idea how to 'fix' anything. They think they can just legislate a better economy, when they have already proven that they can only legislate a WORSE economy. Not to mention that they merely poke around at symptoms, in the hopes of 'looking' like they are actually doing something, but, leave the underlying causes to fester, and even enhance them.


And even if they DID know exactly what they needed to so, not a one of those spineless corporate flunkies in washington would have the cahones to actually DO it. That would cut off their gravy train......


Nope, don't expect anything to change after november. More of the same.

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