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Power Armor headlamps in Floor


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Probably some kind of mod problem. Without a load order it's impossible to say anything specific in cases like this one.


What you can do (besides giving uas a load order): Uninstall mods, that influence power armor and/or head lights one by one and test. Maybe you'll find the culprit this way.

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It's not necessarily caused by a Power Armour mod. It can also be the addition of a flashlight replacing the pipboy that prevents the pipboy's light to swap to the Power Armour one when getting into the PA. Or the use of a shoulder lamp mod.

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Are your game masters cleaned, and is your load order sorted properly?


Cleaning: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/986


Sorting: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/1003


You should also have merged and bashed patches: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/1004


These things will help in minimizing issues in general. I'd be curious to know if it helps you solve this specific issue.

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...()...Are your game masters cleaned?


You should also have merged and bashed patches


These things will help in minimizing issues in general. I'd be curious to know if it helps you solve this specific issue...()..

Completely irrelevant. Besides, a lot of the time merging mods causes more issues than you had before, depending on which mods you merge.


Load order can always be at the source, sure, but from experience I've learned that in 99.9% of the cases, it's usually a mod that clashes with one or more other mods or even with the base game.

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