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Why can't the master files all be cleaned at once?


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Someone recently asked me why the master files for a Bethesda game can't be cleaned all at the same time. I remember reading about this quite a while ago, but I can neither remember the reason nor readily find good information about it.


So for what technical reasons can't the game master files all be cleaned simultaneously? Asking to satisfy curiosity.

Edited by audiodef
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Dunno. I'm not even sure FO4Edit will let you select multiple files for cleaning in one go. Secondly, there could be references that are cleaned from one file while in another there's references to those references, which could cause problems or at least would make you have to run a second cleaning operation on the latter file anyway.


It's not like a cleaning of the master files is an operation that takes hours. It's done in a couple of minutes per file, so, hey, no need to go bonkers over it.

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