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Online Fallout: 76


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There is no official statment to that, yet (far as I know). That means, the biggest source for everyone are rumors and comon... Rumors are rumors. If bethesda ever decided to shut free mods down... That would be a very stupid decision from them and I don't believe (yet) that they are so stupid.


It is really hard for me to believe that they would make a giant mistake like that and that is another reason I wait for official news :smile:.

I do believe that they are so stupid. Or, it might not actually be stupid. EA rakes in millions with their microtransactions/lootboxes/pay2win cancer, even though they are more hated than Hitler for it. It seems to work well enough.


It is a possibility that this "leak" was a market research ploy. They just want to look at how outraged the people actually get, to gauge whenever it's worth it.

Or just to make it less painful in comparison when they allow free mods, but only via bethnet.

Or, the leak might be a fake posted by someone who wanted to create an outrage in order to force bethesda to allow free mods.

Or it actually is legit, and the guy who posted it is discontent with the descision of the suits and wants to create an outrage to force them to back down.


Who knows. I think it is believable that they want to kill free modding at the very least. That would also have the side effect that they would no longer need the pc players. Bethesda's focus has been on the consoles since Oblivion, with the PC users only getting a shitty port (see Skyrim GUI). I prophesize that not only will they get rid of mods, they'll also start phasing out PC versions of their games.



This is exactly what I've been fearing since Bethesda.net was created. They're doing EXACTLY what Rockstar did to the GTA franchise. Except they're doing it in smaller bite sizes.


First was the blatant pro console design painfully evident with Fallout 4. The PC port was obvious from the pro console GUI, hard coded controls, NPC dialogue design etc etc.


Second, the creation of Bethesda.net. The official modding platform from which console gamers could finally gain access to mods which were originally a PC exclusive.


Third, the introduction of Creation Club. Bethesda's quiet passive aggressive attempt to usurp control and direct the flow of mods on their official platform---away from Nexusmods a well developed, 20 year+ established site.


Finally, they've now discarded their cloak and gone public with this takeover. By restricting all DLC mod content to CC, they've gone full transparency on their intent to monetize the intellectual capital of the PC modding community.


Which leaves me thinking this may be the beginning of the end of free/independent mods here on Nexus. Epic works the likes of Beyond Skyrim Bruma, SkyOblivion, Skywind, TTW, and Project Brazil. And the beginning of the end of the PC modding community IMO. This coup d' grace of theirs on the mod scene is either going to go very well for them (like it did for Rockstar and for other FPS MMO games like DOTA, CoD). Or it will collapse on itself if they fail to bring the PC modding community on board.


Because if they can't convince PC gamers to mod for the CC, then console gamers won't have mods for Fallout 76. And if the console kiddies don't get their mods, they're going to pitch a very public temper tantrum. Players are already complaining over at Bethesda.net that CC needs to produce substantial content. With the exception of the backpack/campfire mods (both of which are grossly inferior to Chesko's Fallout/Campfire) and a few other mods, the majority of CC mods are completely worthless. The bad PR and fan base fallout would be bad for business going forward.


OTOH, if they succeed, its because they've managed to meet the demand for mods from the console community. So this approach they're taking to cut Nexusmods from the picture and control the modding community may end up working for them the way it did for Rockstar. Rockstar, which basically abandoned the single player GTA game with GTA V. And who restricted 100% of their future development of the franchise for the online component. Rockstar, which locked away all of the quality DLC content behind an insanely expensive paywall called Shark Cards. In the ESO universe, this is with the absurdly overpriced Loot Boxes in the ESO store. So the only other obvious recourse is for the player to restort to a mindless grindfest. Precisely what the dev of any online game wants--heavily populated/traffic on their servers.


This Machiavellian move by Beth does not bode well for the single player franchise if it succeeds. Which leaves me to wonder how long it will take Bethesda to extend this CC mod exclusivity to future Fallout 5 and TES VI single player titles and beyond.......

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If the 4Chan leak can be believed then yep. My fears on Bethesda's war against the PC modding community for Fallout 5 and TES VI have been confirmed at 01:45


This title release IS the foundation for FO5 AND they'll be making mods a CC exclusive. Which basically IMO, outlaws the Nexus community from ever creating mods for this title release. And it sounds like they'll be using the same dysfunctional FO4 GUI and dialogue setup again.


And since this title will be the groundwork for FO5, then it's safe to say they'll extend the DRM protected CC scheme restriction as well. Which strongly implies the fan base is screwed for TES VI and all single player Fallout/TES games in the future......

Edited by AlarictheVisgoth
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Yes I understand how capitalism works.


Bethesda can't innovate to increase profits so they need to milk their repetitive derivative product as much as possible. the 20 versions of Skyrim alone illustrates that.


Bethesda will be the next Sierra Games. The suits will run it into the ground.


Since their legal & PR fallout with the (superior RPG talented writer) Obsidian team, it appears BGS has decided to permanently sever ties with Obsidian on future Fallout releases. BAD business decision IMO.


So NO. Not the next Sierra Games. Not even a Tandy, or Radio Shack failed old school branding. Or a Daewood or Gateway Hall of Shame.


Bethesda is fast becoming the new Exceptional Assh@les.


It won't be long before they start cranking out yearly releases of shallow, superficially and gloriously game breaking buggy Fallout games. Which will rival the frequency at which Madden/FIFA is pumped out. And second only to the complete joke that is now the Assassin's Creed franchise.



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If this game only allows mods from Creation Club, that's another reason I will never buy it. I have a bunch of mods installed for FO4 and none of them came from CC, and never will.


We'll have to wait and see if any of these leaks are true, but if they are, then Bethesda sure seems to be doing everything it can to avoid getting any money at all from me.


They can forget about future purchases from me in the Elder Scrolls series as well if they keep this crap up.

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I love mods the way they are now, and greatly appreciate the community that's worked so hard to provide them at no cost to the end user for so long.


Mainly though, its the single-player experience I don't want to lose. Don't get me wrong, it would be a damn shame if they do end up tearing down the current mod scene in favor of CC being the only game in town for mods, but I just consider the idea of single-player franchises dying and giving way to multiplayer all-day every-day much much worse just from a pure point of view of my enjoyment. For example, if Elder Scrolls VI ends up lacking the abilty for free mods? A blow to me. If Elder Scrolls VI were to end up not even being in the classic single-player gameplay mold and instead changed to some multiplayer bulls***, that would be absolutely gutting. The former I could deal with as I would at least still be willing to play the base game. The latter, not.


I'm not saying multiplayer should go away. Lots of people love it, and it is an incredibly viable genre of gaming. Keep churning them out by all means. Just because I'm not a fan doesn't mean I'm blind to its popularity. I just don't want to see the single-player experience completely die and/or the franchises that thrive on that mode be changed.

Edited by SacredKnight81
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There is no official statment to that, yet (far as I know). That means, the biggest source for everyone are rumors and comon... Rumors are rumors. If bethesda ever decided to shut free mods down... That would be a very stupid decision from them and I don't believe (yet) that they are so stupid.


It is really hard for me to believe that they would make a giant mistake like that and that is another reason I wait for official news :smile:.

I do believe that they are so stupid. Or, it might not actually be stupid. EA rakes in millions with their microtransactions/lootboxes/pay2win cancer, even though they are more hated than Hitler for it. It seems to work well enough.


It is a possibility that this "leak" was a market research ploy. They just want to look at how outraged the people actually get, to gauge whenever it's worth it.

Or just to make it less painful in comparison when they allow free mods, but only via bethnet.

Or, the leak might be a fake posted by someone who wanted to create an outrage in order to force bethesda to allow free mods.

Or it actually is legit, and the guy who posted it is discontent with the descision of the suits and wants to create an outrage to force them to back down.


Who knows. I think it is believable that they want to kill free modding at the very least. That would also have the side effect that they would no longer need the pc players. Bethesda's focus has been on the consoles since Oblivion, with the PC users only getting a shitty port (see Skyrim GUI). I prophesize that not only will they get rid of mods, they'll also start phasing out PC versions of their games.



This is exactly what I've been fearing since Bethesda.net was created. They're doing EXACTLY what Rockstar did to the GTA franchise. Except they're doing it in smaller bite sizes.


First was the blatant pro console design painfully evident with Fallout 4. The PC port was obvious from the pro console GUI, hard coded controls, NPC dialogue design etc etc.


Second, the creation of Bethesda.net. The official modding platform from which console gamers could finally gain access to mods which were originally a PC exclusive.


Third, the introduction of Creation Club. Bethesda's quiet passive aggressive attempt to usurp control and direct the flow of mods on their official platform---away from Nexusmods a well developed, 20 year+ established site.


Finally, they've now discarded their cloak and gone public with this takeover. By restricting all DLC mod content to CC, they've gone full transparency on their intent to monetize the intellectual capital of the PC modding community.


Which leaves me thinking this may be the beginning of the end of free/independent mods here on Nexus. Epic works the likes of Beyond Skyrim Bruma, SkyOblivion, Skywind, TTW, and Project Brazil. And the beginning of the end of the PC modding community IMO. This coup d' grace of theirs on the mod scene is either going to go very well for them (like it did for Rockstar and for other FPS MMO games like DOTA, CoD). Or it will collapse on itself if they fail to bring the PC modding community on board.


Because if they can't convince PC gamers to mod for the CC, then console gamers won't have mods for Fallout 76. And if the console kiddies don't get their mods, they're going to pitch a very public temper tantrum. Players are already complaining over at Bethesda.net that CC needs to produce substantial content. With the exception of the backpack/campfire mods (both of which are grossly inferior to Chesko's Fallout/Campfire) and a few other mods, the majority of CC mods are completely worthless. The bad PR and fan base fallout would be bad for business going forward.


OTOH, if they succeed, its because they've managed to meet the demand for mods from the console community. So this approach they're taking to cut Nexusmods from the picture and control the modding community may end up working for them the way it did for Rockstar. Rockstar, which basically abandoned the single player GTA game with GTA V. And who restricted 100% of their future development of the franchise for the online component. Rockstar, which locked away all of the quality DLC content behind an insanely expensive paywall called Shark Cards. In the ESO universe, this is with the absurdly overpriced Loot Boxes in the ESO store. So the only other obvious recourse is for the player to restort to a mindless grindfest. Precisely what the dev of any online game wants--heavily populated/traffic on their servers.


This Machiavellian move by Beth does not bode well for the single player franchise if it succeeds. Which leaves me to wonder how long it will take Bethesda to extend this CC mod exclusivity to future Fallout 5 and TES VI single player titles and beyond.......



Those of us who have been on this roller coaster since the paid mods debacle in 2015 all saw this coming. There is just too much money being thrown away in the minds of Zenimax executives even though free quality community made mods are the reason FO and ES are billion dollar franchises today.


I'd be very surprised if they completely restricted FO5 and TESVI mods to CC; a large chunk of their player base would evaporate overnight. What is most likely to happen is Beth will try to shrink the mod library on the Nexus for their next main title by forcing take-downs and issuing copyright claims behind the scenes. This will make the s#*! on the CC look more attractive.

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One thing about mods and CC.


If Fallout 76 has a single player mode and a multiplayer mode where you play with your friends, there's no reason not to allow mods in single player. In multiplayer mode, or if the game doesn't have a single player mode and it's only an online game, then everyone playing has to have the same mods installed for the game to work properly. That is almost impossible to enforce if everyone can add whatever mods they want from any site, but it's easy to automatically have everyone's games download mods if the mods are on a central, controlled server like CC.


It's possible that Bethesda isn't trying to prevent modding and is just doing what it needs to so that multiplayer works. They may end up killing mods for single player (if they even have a single player mode) so that the game works the same way in single and multiplayer.


That said, one of the rumors going around is that Bethesda is trying to kill off the adult mods, which kinda makes sense since they are targeting the mostly teenage console market. One way to kill off adult mods is to only allow mods from a highly controlled site like CC. I don't think Bethesda really understands why some of us have such a big problem with CC though.


I personally hate CC and refuse to download any mods from it, even the free ones. If FO5 and TESVI go the CC route, I'm done with both of them.

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Well all is not lost. If you remember people were making mods before the Creation Kit came out for Fallout 4. Remember DDProductions? Yes he is a toxic individual but he did quite a lot using xEdit and other tools. So he gets props for that at least.


So there would probably be mods unless Bleh-thesda goes out of their was to screw hobbyists completely. Which is entirely a possibility.

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The creation kit is needed to decode the stuff.

Bethesda wont allow those tools and will sue the s#*! out of them, thats for sure.


Without the creation kit, it may be possible to use fo4edit for 76 but never for fo5 or tes6.


If this is true, we are just watching the big bomb slowly drop and will be dust within seconds. Those who will survive will be feral ghouls.


And i hope for MxR he finished school.


Will we see some Elianora lets fight for our right mod, to make a sign of the modding community? Oh wait, no. She has been bought by Bethesda.

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Here's a case for optimism:


- xEdit should still work, allowing for all the usual armor, weapon, body, hair, cheat, settlement, weather, re-texture, etc. mods.


- Bethesda ran a "Save Player 1" ad campaign less than 6 months ago. It's awfully cynical to think they'd completely abandon single player on FO76 so soon after.


- As far as we know, Creation Engine can't handle MMO, but it can be tweaked to handle co-op (as some modders proved in Skyrim before Bethesda made them take it down).


- Let's suppose Bethesda sacrificed the quantity of single-player content in FO76 to some extent in order to focus on co-op. So what? As long as we've got CK, modders can create new lands, new quests, etc., to fill all that stuff in. All we really need from Bethesda is a working CK, and the modding community will make a decent game out of it eventually.


- While I agree with the single player preference others are expressing, we are a small minority. The game needs to be profitable first and foremost, and that means catering to console users who enjoy multi-player.


- If we get a Fallout game with slightly underwhelming story/worldspace, but with full CK, and co-op multiplayer, so we can mod the game however we want and then play the modded game with friends (i.e. friends become de facto companions instead of Piper/Nick/etc), I'll be thrilled.

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