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swtor or tera?


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I been looking at swtor forums for a while now, for some info about the game...i wont proly try it out, but i have to say the forums over there are hilarious...hate and rage everywhere.



If you are looking info about SWTOR i suggest doing it anywhere BUT their official forums, some people are already calling it TORchan.. or just look at news and updates without reading the forums.


On topic, i played TOR since launch then i took a brake for about a month or so then came back and now im still playing it. Its a good high quality game with excellent story behind every class. True, once you hit 50 it does get less interesting but there is still lots of things to do. Also make sure you pick the right server because some are completely empty, while some are full for most of the time, making your end game experience better or worse.

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I been looking at swtor forums for a while now, for some info about the game...i wont proly try it out, but i have to say the forums over there are hilarious...hate and rage everywhere.



If you are looking info about SWTOR i suggest doing it anywhere BUT their official forums, some people are already calling it TORchan.. or just look at news and updates without reading the forums.


On topic, i played TOR since launch then i took a brake for about a month or so then came back and now im still playing it. Its a good high quality game with excellent story behind every class. True, once you hit 50 it does get less interesting but there is still lots of things to do. Also make sure you pick the right server because some are completely empty, while some are full for most of the time, making your end game experience better or worse.

Yeah i realized as much, the general forums shouldnt be taken seriously, but there are some good posts here and there...usualy i go there just for my dayly dose of lulz (not posting there just reading).

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i just got SWTOR a couple weeks ago too and im very much enjoying it. gotta say honestly though, its pretty dead at low levels (which is obviously where i am) so many Heroics and flashpoints im not getting to do until i can solo them which is pretty boring. most low level players i find just decline coop requests. and SWTOR doesnt have a dungeon queue, which it desperately needs. im not a big MMOer, ive only ever played WoW and that was for less then a month. but the thing i loved was the dungeon queue. i could play the game while in a queue then do instances which broke up the monotony of grinding. SWTOR desperately needs something like this.


I pretty much started out this way at low levels no one to group with at heroics and Fp's , waiting for an invyte at LFG or shouting general chat doin quest alone until about level 25's and then go back to esseles just to finish stuff on my quest logs ect..., till i joined an RP guild on Pacific server then it all changed give it time and join a guild be a little bit social you'd be surprise whats around the corner...and now with the new patch 1.2 things are even better in the Swtor universe :D


@Jim_uk you dont need to install origin to play Swtor you just need to register your game and create an account at their official website.


@all I dont really understand why people complain about the voice acting ,they have good voice actors/actress doin the scripts "Jennifer Hale for the trooper fem,Ali Hilis,Alec Newman" its all good in my book so what gives?

Edited by spets21
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i just got SWTOR a couple weeks ago too and im very much enjoying it. gotta say honestly though, its pretty dead at low levels (which is obviously where i am) so many Heroics and flashpoints im not getting to do until i can solo them which is pretty boring. most low level players i find just decline coop requests. and SWTOR doesnt have a dungeon queue, which it desperately needs. im not a big MMOer, ive only ever played WoW and that was for less then a month. but the thing i loved was the dungeon queue. i could play the game while in a queue then do instances which broke up the monotony of grinding. SWTOR desperately needs something like this.


I pretty much started out this way at low levels no one to group with at heroics and Fp's , waiting for an invyte at LFG or shouting general chat doin quest alone until about level 25's and then go back to esseles just to finish stuff on my quest logs ect..., till i joined an RP guild on Pacific server then it all changed give it time and join a guild be a little bit social you'd be surprise whats around the corner...and now with the new patch 1.2 things are even better in the Swtor universe :D


@Jim_uk you dont need to install origin to play Swtor you just need to register your game and create an account at their official website.


@all I dont really understand why people complain about the voice acting ,they have good voice actors/actress doin the scripts "Jennifer Hale for the trooper fem,Ali Hilis,Alec Newman" its all good in my book so what gives?

Its just the world of warcraft kiddies crying they dont have all the features and content that wow has after 7 years...its just not possible to do that.


On the other hand i saw also some good written posts about the hero engine...i have to say i dont like the "loading screens" everywhere and there were also some posts where people said that swtor doesnt feel like an mmo, that they spent so much time on the voice actors they didnt had much time to work on the mmo itself.


I dont know, really its just what i was reading over there...my impression, swtor is actually good, but i wont try it out as i dont like corner-type mmos without the feel of exploring freely arround.


Then again i could be wrong, i havent played the game so these are just my assumptions.

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It's a great game Pavy-it's got more of a CRPG feel with co-op in the early levels, but then feels more MMO later on when groups become more important. Classes are very balanced for PVE, and fairly balanced for PVP.Another strength is the class diversity-four main classes which each have two destinct sub-classes, and Empire and Republic characters, though the classes are mirrored, have radically diferent feels to them, an example being that the Sage, a ranged DPS/healer on the Republic, wields telekinetic powers, wheras the stat-equivalent wields lightning. Every main class has it's own storyline aswell, and it's own voice acting, personality and companions, aswell as diferent gear.


The UI is, with a few potholes, excellent, and there's relatively bugs and glitches at the moment. It feels truly high-quality, although as already mentioned, server choice is paramount, as they are either teeming with life, or totally empty.

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honestly, i probably would have been better to choose a server with a higher count. i chose the server my friend was on, in hopes that he would play with me. but he wont. he says he doenst play anymore and blah. hes really stubborn so when he says he doesnt like something, he will convince himself he doenst like it, even if he truely does (which i know he does like swtor deep down) so, yea, im on an empty server as it is, but i dont wanna start a new guy on a different server.....yet.
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@Pavy it's true about the loading screen tho, it bugs me sometimes waiting in load time and it looks like it's gotten worse on my end since last maintenance but i believe dev's are working on those issues and some minor glitches in game and the cubes lol.


@hoofhearted you can request a server transfer , thats what i did when bioware announced that server transfer is now available on pacific servers(AUS)I just file a ticket and in a few days my toons where now on gav daragon... just wait for announcements on their forums.

Edited by spets21
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It's a great game Pavy-it's got more of a CRPG feel with co-op in the early levels, but then feels more MMO later on when groups become more important. Classes are very balanced for PVE, and fairly balanced for PVP.Another strength is the class diversity-four main classes which each have two destinct sub-classes, and Empire and Republic characters, though the classes are mirrored, have radically diferent feels to them, an example being that the Sage, a ranged DPS/healer on the Republic, wields telekinetic powers, wheras the stat-equivalent wields lightning. Every main class has it's own storyline aswell, and it's own voice acting, personality and companions, aswell as diferent gear.


The UI is, with a few potholes, excellent, and there's relatively bugs and glitches at the moment. It feels truly high-quality, although as already mentioned, server choice is paramount, as they are either teeming with life, or totally empty.

That sounds really tempting, i really like the star wars universe (hell who doesnt), i think ill wait a bit when they have the character transfers ready and update to 1.3 (or did they already updated?) and try it out.

So far i seen the Fatman(pvp) is very populated and the pve Harbinger (not sure if thats the right name), would proly go on the pve server.


@Pavy it's true about the loading screen tho, it bugs me sometimes waiting in load time and it looks like it's gotten worse on my end since last maintenance but i believe dev's are working on those issues and some minor glitches in game and the cubes lol.

Yeah i hate loading screens, i guess a good portion on that is wow's fault, because i played it for a while and loved to freely explore..i might try it out in the near future, currently im still busy in aion hehe.

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