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Troubleshooting help


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Hey everyone, I'm trying to utilize the following mods:


Start me up

Survival options

Be exceptional



The game loads just fine, and allows me to create a character, and allows me to use the Start me up UI, but the game freeze when attempting to load from there.


I've played around with the load order in Wyre, but it says everything is green.


I've also installed any other mods that these mods say are required, but nothing is working.


I'm quite new to using nexus and NMM, so please don't be harsh.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by therealjonnysnow
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Start a new game with one of those mods at a time and add another one when the first try works and try again with the two. Add mods until you encounter the freeze again and you'll know which mod causes the freeze. It's probably one of those mods that doesn't play nice with the rest of them.


When you found which mod causes the freeze, restart the game with just that mod installed to check if the game freezes again. If it does, well, don't use the mod. If the game doesn't freeze, add the other mods again one at a time until you run into problems. Then you'll know which two mods don't work together like it should.


It's a tedious process, but the only way to make sure mods work together well.

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