Faelrin Posted October 17, 2015 Share Posted October 17, 2015 Just keep in mind that this won't actually work with the Unofficial Skyrim Patch (which I highly recommend using anyways) since this was a bug they fixed. There might be mods out there that undo it though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moksha8088 Posted October 18, 2015 Share Posted October 18, 2015 I was trying to resurrect someone in FO3 once and stupidly was actually aiming too close to my feet. I was resurrected by without a lot of perk points. Had to go back to a past CASM save. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted12393233User Posted June 2, 2016 Share Posted June 2, 2016 Try creating a new quest that runs at start, create a alias that is forced on the playerref, add a keyword to the alias Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MechaLeo Posted October 1, 2016 Share Posted October 1, 2016 I was using the Live Another Life-Alternate Start mod, and made a dark elf character, then choose the option "I am a vampire in a secluded lair". My observations were that I had the Dawnguard vampire eyes, I had the traits and powers of a vampire, and I could even feed. The main problem was my face, it looked normal aside from the eyes. I know from past experience (back when the NMM probably messed up my files) that having the vampire face is crucial to being considered undead. Also I can confirm I'm not undead due to the unfunctioning of a glitch with the atronach stone (or spell absorbtion in general, but I was also using the advanced atronach) where using the circle of protection spell and stepping in the circle would recover your magicka if you are undead. I've been looking up ways to remove my vampirism and add it again, find the undead/vampire faction to add it to myself (undead faction might not actually exist in Skyrim), set race, everything, because I made a bit of progress in following a character build and didn't want to start from scratch, this time infecting myself a legit way. I'll be sure to forward this message to the mod as well if such a message hasn't already been made, but I figured it would provide some insight to people with similar problems, and I also hope I can get a solution of some sort as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paradoxnrt Posted January 24, 2020 Share Posted January 24, 2020 I just noticed NOBODY actually answered this post question!Answer =1) Open up the last mod in your mod load order using Creation Kit.2) Go to 'Actor' section, select 'Player' actor.3) Go to 'Keywords' tab.4) Enter into the Keywords List 'ActorTypeUndead'!Congrats!Your character will now be recognized as Undead, but NOT a Vampire/Draugr. Necromage will now effect you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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