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Will TES Online Fit the TES Series or Fail It?


Will it be a worthy game title fit for the Elder Scrolls series?  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. Will it be a worthy game title fit for the Elder Scrolls series?

    • Absolutely! I can't wait!
    • Most likely. But I'm a little skeptical/cautious about it.
    • Probably not. It seems more like a generic MMO, somewhat because of the standard MMORPG user interface (actionbar, minimap, etc.) instead of a mostly UI-free screen like Skyrim.
    • Definitely not. They should just stick to what they're great at: creating single-player RPGs. Why not just create a single-player RPG that features all of Tamriel instead of a multi-player version?

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Option 1 = You are very confident the game will be great for Elder Scrolls fans

Option 2 = You have faith in the game succeeding, but you're still a little unsure of whether it's a good idea or bad idea for Bethesda to be making this game

Option 3 = You hope the game turns out to be good, but so far you aren't convinced. You feel it may play more like an MMORPG than a SPRPG.

Option 4 = You are completely disappointed with either Bethesda's decision to create an MMORPG or at least how they executed it. Your confidence in Bethesda's capability to create a great successful MMORPG set in TES universe just isn't strong enough to support TES... not yet at least.



Hello everyone! I know there's tons of threads on stuff like this, but I thought I'd give it a shot to create a discussion/poll thread, that way we can better keep track of what the community's opinions are in a more... constructive and collaborative manner.



As the poll asks, just vote on what you think about The Elder Scrolls Online. Will it be a huge exciting success? Or will it be an absolute failure and a disgrace to veteran Elder Scrolls fans? Try not to base your vote on how successful the game will be as a whole, but instead try to base your vote on how enjoyable the game will be for YOU, as a fan of the series. After you've voted, please post additional thoughts to shed some insight from your own perspective and so on.



Personally, as much as I'm still on the fence with my decision about whether I think it will be a good fit to add to the Elder Scrolls genre, at least for me, is mostly negative. Judging from the screenshots I've seen, the game looks too much like an MMORPG instead of what I'm used to in Skyrim; TES Online has an action bar, a mini-map, a compass, and some other stuff in the UI that I couldn't make out. Maybe it was an early screenshot and has been revised, but comparing that UI to Skyrim's, which was pretty much just a compass, that alone may break my immersion from the game. On top of that, I see no evidence yet that it is a First-Person RPG. The style looks slightly cartoonish (the environments look mostly realistic, but the characters have a slight clean/cartooniness to them) and that's pretty much all the negative stuff I have to say about the game. The cartoon style isn't a plus, but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt because it's likely a decision made for ideal performance and appealing visuals at the same time. If they stuck to a strictly realistic style like Skyrim, the game would get very jittery/laggy or they'd have to reduce the quality of just about everything in the game to run at a decent framerate. The PVP aspect sounds kickass, but the flow of this game otherwise in every other aspect just won't fit and won't grant players the freedom to kill/fight any NPC, pickpocket any NPC, search every container object (barrels, crates, drawers, etc.) and tons of other stuff that you can do in TES that just won't be doable in an online game... I'm crossing my fingers they exceed my expectations, but I am most definitely skeptical at this point...

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Im interested, but not impressed...then again i havent been impressed with anything really for over a decade now, as most of the games use the same old model over and over.


If anything it might be worth trying out just for the sake of seeing how they did the locations, but if it is going to be instanced like SWTOR (since it has the same engine, dont know what the limitations are to that), where i read that you have a loading screen everywhere...then no thank you.


I say lets wait and see.

Edited by pavy
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I'd say Option 3. At first I was like "Oh cool. Bethesda is making an MMO!" But as soon as the screenshots came out, I was disappointed. Oh well, I guess you can't judge the game by its looks, so we'll just have to wait and see.
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Option 2 = You have faith in the game succeeding, but you're still a little unsure of whether it's a good idea or bad idea for Bethesda to be making this game
Bethesda to be making this game


Check this: http://elderscrollsonline.com/ Scroll to the bottom and read it.

"© 2012 ZeniMax Media Inc. The Elder Scrolls® Online developed by ZeniMax Online Studios LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved." :thumbsup:


On top of that, I see no evidence yet that it is a First-Person RPG.

Nobody said it would be a First-Person RPG.


The cartoon style isn't a plus, but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt because it's likely a decision made for ideal performance and appealing visuals at the same time.

Maybe it was just a decision made by the art direction team. This is not the typical RPG you've been used to regarding the TES games. It's just an MMO aproach on the TES lore.

Edited by Yoshh
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I had high hopes for Skyrim, and I was only moderately satisfied.


When I heard about this I was more disappointed than exited. The Elder Scrolls, to me always seemed to be a cut above any MMORPG. I always thought that the Elder Scrolls was to good to be an MMO.


This is all one man's opinion. I won't be playing it. I'm not an MMO person anyway.

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I don't see why the graphics are considered 'cartoony' and it's not like modders never have to fix Bethesda's people/armor/creature graphics, anyway, so I imagine it's the lack of moddability of said that is the real complaint.


I play WoW. You want to see cartoony? There it is.


I'm giving it a go. Maybe it will suck, after all, but let me find out for myself :P


I'm not spoiled by the graphics. Hell, I play games that are 20-25 years old still that would have most players here retching onto their keyboards. I like pretty graphics, yes, but they aren't the Holy Grail of gaming for me.

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What about option 5, I don't like the MMO and I don't like TES, so I don't care? It will end up as a grind MMO anyway.


@nyxalinth: People say cartoony because they can't say their real thoughts. Same as consolised or dumb-down or anime, they use ad-homumes and straw-man arguments to make a point. What they really want to say that the textures are not too detailed and the characters are pasty.

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I'm not necessarily mostly upset with the graphics/style of the game, but more-so with the interface. The actionbar ALONE is enough to turn me off. I know it's an MMORPG and it's usually essential to those types of games, but I'm sure there's another way they could have went about with the UI like in their single-player TES games. I'm also not at all fond of the lack of first person view in the game either. Those are the two main things that I dislike about the game, because they change how you'd play an Elder Scrolls game by A LOT. Just my opinion. I might try the game anyway, but I'd probably wait a couple months to see how it holds up first.
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What about option 5, I don't like the MMO and I don't like TES, so I don't care? It will end up as a grind MMO anyway.


@nyxalinth: People say cartoony because they can't say their real thoughts. Same as consolised or dumb-down or anime, they use ad-homumes and straw-man arguments to make a point. What they really want to say that the textures are not too detailed and the characters are pasty.

Is it wrong to ask for realistic looking visuals? Or are devs going to be NONONO GUYZ YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ITS ART STYLE! translated to, we are using a crappy engine that cannot do anything better since we are too poor.

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