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What the H ??!!??


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For no apparent reason...my PIPBOY and all written dialogue and all menus switched to FRENCH ...ON THEIR OWN !! I thought a mod did it so I unchecked them all and ...NO LOVE. I dont have languageNV_esm in my data files or anywhere else.. could that be my problem? I dont use steam..but saw the language could be changed there so I rt clicked my game in steam then PROPERTIES....and NO language tab. Im out of ideas...any advice guys?


:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :sick:

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Yea I seen this thread the other day and it looked fishy and thought I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole, pay the $59 dollar fee like the rest of us and stop being a cheap skap :thumbsup: Edited by Craigsters
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