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According to the Morrowind Code Patch the scripts "PlayGroups" and "LoopGroups" can now be used on the player via Scripts or Console Commands. However, When I attempt to use the console to do this using the following commands:


(With my player selected) PlayGroup Idle6 1


(With my player selected) PlayGroup Idle6 2


Player->Playgroup Idle6 1


Player->Platgroup Idle6 2


My character just freezes, unable to move. (My character can, however, spin and turn) Why does this happen? Am I doing something wrong? For reference, here are the quotes from the MCP Nexus Page and the Read Me of the Code Patch:


- Improved animation support. Allows better animation modding (see readme). The player can now display idle animations through the use of playgroup/loopgroup scripting.


PlayGroup / LoopGroup

The improved animation patch also changes PlayGroup and LoopGroup to work properly with NPCs and their bone groups. Before it would only play on the lower body, now it should cover the whole NPC.
PlayGroup and LoopGroup both play animations. PlayGroup is essentially doing LoopGroup -1. These both have optional flags, which are important in getting the animations to loop correctly.
PlayGroup groupname, flags
LoopGroup groupname, count, flags
flags = 0 (default)
The controller waits until the current animation is complete before starting the given animation. It plays the whole animation and ignores any Loop Start/End text keys. If you want to avoid glitches, the whole animation must loop cleanly.
flags = 1
The current animation will stop, and the new animation will start from its beginning. Respects Loop text keys.
flags = 2
The current animation will stop, and the new animation will start from the Loop Start key. Respects Loop text keys.
The patch also allows animations to work on the player character in third person view. Use PlayGroup or LoopGroup with flags 1 or 2. e.g. {PlayGroup idle9, 1}. It will freeze player input until the animation is over, but you may use {PlayGroup idle} to immediately give control back. If you forget to use the flags, the animation will not apply correctly and only the lower body will be affected.


My purpose for wanting to do this is that I want my character to be able to use Idle animations. For now, I merely wish to test to see if this can be done in the console, and if so, I plan on making a more refined version where you'll be able to equip something, like a ring, then a menu will pop up and you'll have the choice between multiple Idle animations to select.

Edited by JackofGods
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In the text where you say what you've done you talk about using "PlayGroups". The MCP documentation is "PlayGroup". Not sure if that's a typo in what you wrote.


Yeah my apologies, that was just a typo in the post itself, I was inputing "PlayGroup" into the console to begin with, I'll edit the post. I'll admit though, I wish that's what the issue though, because then the fix would be so simple and easy, just take away an "s" xD

Edited by JackofGods
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Oh, another one:

The patch also allows animations to work on the player character in third person view. Use PlayGroup or LoopGroup with flags 1 or 2. e.g. {PlayGroup idle9, 1}

There's a comma after the groupname.


Sorry I'm really just on typos here, never actually tried the command.

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Oh, another one:

The patch also allows animations to work on the player character in third person view. Use PlayGroup or LoopGroup with flags 1 or 2. e.g. {PlayGroup idle9, 1}

There's a comma after the groupname.


Sorry I'm really just on typos here, never actually tried the command.



Same result even with a comma. Take note that after my character freezes when inputting the console command, I can fix it by typing in:


Player->PlayGroup Idle, 1


Therefore, I don't think the issue is that the console command itself isn't working, as if that were the issue I wouldn't be able to use that Console Command to revert my idle animation. Thus, I believe the issue is that, for whatever reason, there isn't an idle to be read for Idiles2-9 for the player, which in turn results in the blank frozen state that plagues me. This in of itself is odd because shouldn't the player and NPCs technically have the same animations?

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I'd try making a simple myscript, then call it from the console with
startscript myscript

Edited by abot
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