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Destructible items


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It is possible, but it would be an enormous amount of work and require a beefy machine to run. I've actually considered making such a mod, but never started because I know how time-consuming it would be. Just using the example of trees, there are over 100 static tree base objects, with actual occurrences numbering in the tens of thousands. All would have to be remade as Movable Static (regular statics can't have destruction data), then destruction data added to each, then replace the existing trees. Figure in other stuff, crates, walls, debris piles, etc, etc, you're talking hundreds of hours of work.


The beefy computer component comes in when you deal with Precombines. Most statics are packed into Precombined meshes, so your computer only has to load one file rather than fifty. Removing any one of those static objects from the Precombine breaks it for the entire cell. So you're back to loading fifty (or a couple hundred) static meshes. You can create new Precombined data for each cell, but that takes hours, sometimes days.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be a negative nelly. I'm just explaining why this has never been done. Perhaps someday I will tackle this project, I imagine the bulk of the grind work could be done with FO4Edit scripts. I'm just not there yet. Too many other, easier mods to make :P

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