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Can't access Winterhold?


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First time using the Nexus Forums, apologies if this is in the wrong category


Every time I go to Winterhold, whether it be fast travel or just walking/riding there, it crashes. Sometimes with Dawnstar too, I think, but I haven't tested it out in a while. Mostly just in the north.

The College works fine (up to a certain point near Winterhold).

I can get by using console commands to teleport to NPCs in Winterhold, but it's still pretty annoying.


Winterhold DID work during the Mage's Guild quest, the one where you have to get rid of magical anomalies. Once that was done, back to crashing.


I don't know why it would be my mods, as earlier in my save file Winterhold worked just fine - haven't added any mods since, but I HAVE updated some like the unofficial patch. I've also tried turning off some mods, ones that affect Winterhold in particular, but it either doesn't work, or my save file is really fragile and it just become corrupt.



Mod load order, if anyone sees an issue ( at least, I think this is the load order? I don't know honestly):




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