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Hello everyone. I just did a clean install and wanted to make a playthrough based around Hardcore/realism. I would also like to have more armors and weapons (balanced) and have really dark nights and such, also is there a mod for animals to drop food more realistic?


I am considering of playing an archer type character, that goes hunting and such. What mod player home do you guys recommend?



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If you're looking for realism as in hunger and thirst and such, and you want harder enemies, and more items (weaps armor) I'd suggest these mods:


Deadly Dragons

Total Realism - Basic Needs



Horses For Followers (If you want to add a bit more realism to the friendly AI, not just the enemy AI)


and that's about it. Hope these mods were what you were looking for. :)

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Faster Arrows

Craftable Arrows

Closer Quivers and Longer Arrows


Not too many that affect bow stuff. LOL. There's one that increases arrow damage, but it does it by a lot. I'd think almost unreallistically. If you think more damage from arrows would be better though, it's called:


Increased Arrow Damage

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Arrow Tweaks is what you're looking for.


Also Immediate Dragons is nice if you plan on using an alternate start mod / you are not the dragonborn mod.


edit: Also Hypothermia is a good realism mod as well. It's a little troublesome with custom armours as some aren't compatible, but I manage. You may also want to check out the Portable Campsite mod as it lets you buy and craft your own campsite.

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Frostfall is the best hypothermia mod I've come across. I couldn't take the Basic Needs (hunger and thirst) type stuff, but I love Frostfall, it has all the camping gear built in and you can even assign protection ratings for custom armors.


I don't have a lot of archery mods but included with either DD or WIS is a mod that makes arrows do double damage. I can't remember which mod it comes from, if it's WIS I guess you're out of luck since it's not around anymore. Double damage may be too much for some but I like it (even though I get one-shotted by arrows constantly with my mage character).


There are mods for hunter type characters that make animals drop more meat and hide and such. I can't remember any of the names of them though (sorry) but you may want to search around for them.

edit: A Hunter's Life-Hunting Overhaul is one of these mods (haven't used it though)


For weapons I use JaySus Swords, Weapons of the 3rd era, Moar Kontent with throwing knives, and Weapon Variants Expansion. They all add the weapons to the leveled lists so enemies will use them and you find them in shops and chests. You may or may not need to create a bash file with Wrye Bash for them all to show up. I'm still unclear about this, I tried making the leveled list bash file but I don't know if I did it correctly. I see a lot of new weapons showing up randomly but I can't be sure if they're from every mod. So I'm confused on this point, they're good weapon mods though (nothing too overpowered or out of place that I've seen).


A few more I like, Lore Friendly Armor, Cloaks of Skyrim(works with Frostfall), and Live Another Life (alt start)

edit: I also use Realistic Lighting with customization (for those dark nights) though some ENB configs may be better, my computer just can't handle ENB.

Edited by thompsonar
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