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[LE] I want to start making mods for skyrim.

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I'm tired of looking on nexus mods and think about how cool it was if a mod would be available so I want to give it a try and make my own mods. Now I need to start from somewhere:


I looked on the Skyrim Tutorials thread but some links are dead and it redirects me to the nexus homepage. Any youtube tutorials, decumentation that you can guide me to so I can learn how to code in papyrus?



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if you are talking about links to download files from the Nexus sites , it's because these links were made with the older site design

the new design is using a different link structure

so just use this link as a start https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/ and you just need to add the file number at the end

as an example , the armor and weapon replacing , which used the link http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5341 will now be https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5341


for specific Papyrus tutorials , I can't recommend anything specific

but when in doubt , I highly recommend Google

so just make a search like "Skyrim papyrus tutorial" , and you should see plenty of tutorials or threads discussing this , so you should be able to find a suitable tutorial rather easily

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I started with these, and have been pretty happy with them overall, though they're not all-inclusive. There are links, on this page, to the tutorials hub, where you can find them tailored to specific projects. There are more tutorials than links, though, so make use of the search box if you don't see what you need listed.




As for video tutorials, there are many, from a variety of authors. I tried Darkfox127's youtube tutorials, early on, and they have served me well.

Edited by thumbincubation
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