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Restoring Fallout 4 Mods


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Hey folks, I hope this is an OK place for this. So, I used to use Nexus Mod Manager with Fallout 4. I uninstalled Fallout 4 and it looks like I just copied the entire NMM folder in order to back up my mods. I've reinstalled both Fallout 4 and NMM and copied all of the files over to NMM, but when I launch NMM, it doesn't see any mods. Any thoughts on what my problem is? I would really appreciate it.

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try taking mods out and put them into different folder then use nmm to install mods from new folder into nmm folder that's what I had to do to get nmm to see my old mods after reinstalling nmm I don't know why but it worked for me hope this helps mate

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If and when you installed either the game or NMM on a different drive than before, you need to set the correct paths in NMM for the folders it uses. Open NMM, hit the cogwheels at the top and change the paths in the Fallout 4 tab of the Settings menu.

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