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BOSS won't detect Skyrim


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Hi, not certain if this should go here or in Mod troubleshooting. I don't think there's a separate forum for Boss here, is there?


Just did a clean reinstall of Skyrim, 'cause I'd broken something at it was CTDing on loading. Cleaned up and redownloaded most recent versions of mods, and all that. Now Boss won't detect Skyrim, only Fallout NV. I could try to do a whole load order by hand, but I'd much rather have Boss do all the hard work, or at least produce a template to guide me.


Any ideas?

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  • 6 months later...
Since this is all about BOSS I'm currently using the 2.1.0 version and I'd like to upgrade to the latest one unfortunately everyime I tried to run boss it would say "error masterfile.txt cannot be found" or something like that. I have installed TESV to the secondary drive partition since the main drive does not have enough space for the game is this the reason which is causing it? Anyhelp extended will be highly appreciated.
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  • 6 months later...
  • 7 months later...

OK so i does not detect morrowind for me, I have run the launcher and everything, now what?


I am running on steam is that it?


Just run BOSS GUI (just look for it on start) and you'll be able to select the game.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I know it works with Steam it that in my Boos: GUI window TES V: Skyrim (Not Detected) I pick it and click ok and doesn't open and the there Skse follow lead with not working. YES I have uninstalled and re-installed both Boss, and Skse. I just need boss to get in line, I could us some help is any one knows how to get Boss's s#*! in line.

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BOSS picks up your install by reading the system registry.....either you have corrupt registry settings or not admin privileges?


What is the path to your Skyrim....IE :...E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim<< what is your path?

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  • 10 months later...
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