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Undo changes on a esp


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I feel stupid asking this as I'm sure it's answered somewhere, but hell if I can find it.


I added an object to a cell in my own mod, then later (after saving it) changed my mind and removed the object. The cell should now be exactly as it is in oblivion.esm, there's no changes showing in the cell's object window, but the CS still says the cell itself is changed. The cell ID shows an asterisk, and OBMM shows a conflict between my mod and another one that really does change that cell. How do I get the CS to realize the cell is unchanged, and remove it from my mod? I have the same problem with some NPCs that I added items to and later removed.

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I feel stupid asking this as I'm sure it's answered somewhere, but hell if I can find it.


I added an object to a cell in my own mod, then later (after saving it) changed my mind and removed the object. The cell should now be exactly as it is in oblivion.esm, there's no changes showing in the cell's object window, but the CS still says the cell itself is changed. The cell ID shows an asterisk, and OBMM shows a conflict between my mod and another one that really does change that cell. How do I get the CS to realize the cell is unchanged, and remove it from my mod? I have the same problem with some NPCs that I added items to and later removed.

Select your ESP in the CS as normal, but instead opening it click the Details button. select and press the delete key in each and any object that shouldn't be in your ESP (this will mark then as ignored, they will not be deleted there). When done click OK and now open your ESP normally, do some bogus modification so to activate the save button. Your mod will be saved clean.

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Thanks, I knew it would be something simple and I vaguely recall doing that years ago with Morrowind.


However I just tried it real quick with the 2 NPCs I want removed ignored and it gives me an error when I load the ESP. It says: Editor ID 'Borissean' (0003E193) is not unique, previous object (00034EB0) is type NPC_. Editor ID will be set to 'BorisseanDUPLICATE000'. A third NPC I modified but did not flag to ignore is now missing from the loaded mod, and her Use Info now belongs to the Borissean duplicate, but it has all Borissean's stats and settings. It looks like they've merged somewhat. Loaded it twice and happened both times. I'm too tired to wrap my brain around that but do you have any idea what happened?

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