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Nexus is the reason I play Skyrim


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I just fired up the unmodded Skyrim by running Skyrim directly from Steam, outside of MO2. Endured that lengthy intro sequence (cool sequence, but after about 1000 times, it gets old). I just needed a clean new game save without mod. It got me thinking, why am I playing Skyrim? Dated graphic, so-so game mechanics, I am not even attached to the story as I was with Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Yes, it's the mod. And Nexus is where I get 90% of them. MO2 is the only mod manager worth having! So without mods, where would Skyrim rank?

I went a few years without even touching games, thanks to career development. Then last year I fired up FO4 again, then quit due to having new computer and unable to transfer NMM over. Then I camped Steam for discounted games. Mirror's Edge Catalyst was awesome, great graphic, very fluid game, fun combat, but once the story was done, there was ABSOLUTELY nothing to do. Watch Dog 2 was close to Skyrim, open world, do "whatever the heck you want", but limited to stealing cars, shooting up people, and endless police chase. Assassin's Creed Origins is amazing, great graphics, vast world, I can row a boat, but to one point: what to do? Similar to Watch Dog 2, I could rob the supply line, start trouble with local authority, but to one point, there is nothing to do with gold and resources. Can't buy a house either. And despite the next gen graphic of AC:O that has Skyrim and TES Online beat, I ran into a bath house with some topless women and ... the texture and model looks like Oblivion. Skyrim here I come.

And in Skyrim, I am wishing I could climb like in Assassin's Creed, run and jump around buildings like Mirror's Edge: Catalyst. Skyrim's combat is quite elementary imo (before mods). But there are just so many things to do in Skyrim. Like downloading about 10 player homes, tested them out, and then ended up not keeping one. Just downloaded Harborside (2 days old on Nexus), going to test. ENB offers a lot of fun too. I spent about 5-6 earth days in total just tweaking lighting. I finally got AddItem Menu mod, tonight is going to be a fun night.

So for a game that is inferior in many ways to other games, I seem to be addicted and happy to be here. Yep, just the mods. Why wouldn't other games support mods? Imagine my disappointment hearing Fallout 76 is an online PVP game.

Edited by tomomi1922
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I couldn't agree more.


Recently I had to uninstall/reinstall the game & do some area tests. After loading my modded game on top of the vanilla one it was like a Wizard of Oz moment where a black & white scene suddenly turns to color.




I probably wouldn't even be a TES fan if not for Oblivion..


Before Oblivion(since 1998) all my game play was on consoles. My computers where for work & simulators.

The first play through was on Xbox. A few months later(2007) I read an article in a now defunct gaming magazine about modding Oblivion & this site. After my first visit I was hooked. I continued to mod Oblivion up until Skyrim came out. Then my older computer(I built a new one for Skyrim) that housed Oblivion had a hard drive failure and Oblivion was gone.



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